2007-8-16 02:25:00
John C quoting me:
"The three parts are first the conservative polarity, secondly the so-called liberal stance, and third, those few who see that the whole truth is never found completely on one side or the other, but must be discerned through good judgment." (The Unveiling by JJ Dewey, pg 228)
John C:
I don't see how two opposing sides, with each side professing to follow a stated ideology, but in actual practice not following that ideology, but instead doing whatever is expedient to accumulate and maintain power, even if that means deceiving the public about its actions and intentions, can contain any significant amount of truth to be discerned.
You're right. You will not find the truth in the two extremes, neither have I indicated that you will. You find the truth by looking at both sides and all the data between. Then you contemplate the true principle involved and seek the logical point of truth around that.
For instance, one side says abortion is murder and the other says it is not. To say you do not see either side as having the truth doesn't mean that there is no truth. In the scheme of things there is an approach to this and other problems that harmonizes with true principles, is the least harmful with maximum benefit. The extremes rarely see this point of truth and you will not read it in the New York Times. It will only be discovered through the inner reflection of the few. This is the narrow path that few will find.
Ruth quoting me:
"John smiled knowingly.'They have to shut down your resistance before they can steal your energy. When you yield to their illusionary authority you virtually become a subject and a source of their power, but their power is not real because it is stolen. When humanity wakes up and reclaims their power, the power of the Dark Brothers will instantly vanish and the adversaries will be bound for over one thousand years as predicted.'"
Ruth writes:
This doesn't seem right. Resistance is not the same thing as attrition.
Resistance IS energy which can be stolen and used against you. Resistance IS directed energy and attention. Resistance IS yielding to illusionary authority. You have to agree that there is authority being exercised against you in order to resist it. What are you resisting? You are resisting illusion, thereby making that illusion real. What you resist you become.
Even attrition is resistance, but a different form of resistance. The point to consider is that to defeat an enemy you do not yield to the enemy. When using attrition one does not yield but uses intelligent tools with which to battle.
Let us say that you are a general about to go to battle against a fierce enemy. You are about to attack with swords when an idea hits you. You see a way to cut off his food supply. You choose this alternative and he staves to death and you lose no men. This is how attrition would work, but it is still a tool used in the great battle.
The point made above was that those who give their energy and power to the Beast yield and give it no resistance. It does not even occur to the average person that there is any enemy to resist or fight as he is surrounded by the Beast and his legions camouflaged as his benefactors.
The first step in escaping the mark of the Beast is understanding that there is something to resist.
When one wakes up to this then he can pursue the most intelligent form of resistance. You are against the head-on, direct resistance and in many cases you are correct. However, do not forget that there is a time and place for all things.
You are correct though that a head-on resistance toward the Beast is usually not effective. The disciple in the world is much like Hercules fighting the nine-headed hydra. Whenever he cut off a head two grew in its place. The solution was not to yield or to do nothing, but to battle with intelligence. Hercules attacked the hydra directly and lifted it above the stench of the swamp where its heads were exposed to the pure sunlight. The rays of the sun weakened the hydra and Hercules won the battle.
Thus is the disciple's greatest weapon of resistance the light of truth itself.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
Global warming true believers have often cited 1998 as the hottest year on record in creating alarm for the nation. A Canadian skeptic, Stephen McIntyre, decided to check over the data and found that NASA had made an error in its calculations. He sent his data to NASA and they admitted he was correct and revised their figures. After a review they now agree that 1998 was not the hottest year but it was 1934.
We will not hear much of this change because the real hottest year cannot be blamed on manmade CO2 emissions.
By the way, they also found their calculations were off for the years 2000-2006. They were really .15 degrees C cooler than they thought. All this was discovered thanks to the calculations of a non bureaucrat.
Story at: http://www.thestar.com/News/article/246027
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