2007-7-27 05:30:00
The Assignment:
Now to the last part of the mystery. After this he then must do one more thing. What is it?
Several of you were pretty on target with this. The answer to the one more thing is basically this.
He must create and accomplish a labor that will move humanity closer to his accurate vision of the will.
That said we can now see how important the step of imprinting is. If the disciple inaccurately sees the will and creates a distorted labor he can often do more harm than good. Unfortunately this is usually the case. There are always many more false prophets than true ones.
Obtaining the correct vision is difficult enough but completing a labor of purpose is extremely difficult, much more so than a regular labor of good works as seen by humanity.
Because the disciple has to take the path of great resistance. Humanity always resists a move that takes effort to move forward. The disciple is fortunate if he can complete the work in the first lifetime of his vision. Sometimes it will take a number of lifetimes.
But when a great step in moving the will forward is completed a glorious day arrives for the weary pilgrim. The One Great Life manifests through the Master designated to assist the disciple and the words come forth:
"Behold, the human now works as a son of man who is a Son of God. He has finished a step in our work and is ready for another. He needs not descend into matter and wrestle again with memories and time. Touch him and let the electric fire of spirit be his new birth. Extend his life as long as he desires to labor in his current identity."
The disciple thus receives a great spiritual flow of energy that rejuvenates his whole being and makes him ready for a new mission.
Complete Section:
The Master has power of rejuvenation and life extension because he understands the reason the average person must die. That reason is he yields to the path of least resistance, becomes subject to inertia, crystallizes and no longer advances on the path of spiritual evolution.
He thus seeks to become born again. He nullifies the cause of death by utilizing the power of rebirth. He does this by tuning into the Will of God and correctly imprinting it upon his mind so his consciousness can return to it as desired, thereby giving him power to express it without corruption.
He must then create and accomplish a labor that will move humanity closer to his accurate vision of the Will.
A lot of members gave great input and it is difficult to decide who deserves the free book so let's have a vote. Tell us who you think deserves the prize and you cannot vote for yourself.
Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing.
William Shakespeare
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