2007-7-23 17:10:00
Uche Enyidi writes:
"Hi JJ, I want to ask you some questions.
"You have said that re-incarnation is right, that means people die and come back to earth, they are reborn. Okay have you ever considered that the population of the earth is increasing every year and day? If the earth is repopulated by reincarnation where are the people coming from?"
There are 60 billion human monads allotted for the earth at this time so the pool of souls is far from being depleted.
Only about 10 percent of the human spirits are here at the present time. Overall, man has been on this earth for 18 million years which is not only much longer than the religions think, but longer than the scientists believe. Science keeps going further back. They have now found humans 4 million years back.
If the average human has experienced 500 lives that means he could have had an average span of 3600 years between lives over the past 18 million years. There has been plenty of time for all to experience lots of lives. In addition to this we have an eternity in front of us. Then too, some have experienced additional lives on other planets and systems.
Uche Enyidi:
"You wrote about John in your immortal magazine. How can you undisputedly prove that, that was Apostle John the beloved of the bible? In your immortal book you were saying John came to earth several times and was killed even with piano wire, which record has it in the said country and when? Is there any such proof in the place of execution?"
The only claim I have made about the Immortal Books is that the basic teachings are true to the best of my ability to express them. The story is a combination of truth and fiction but I do not reveal which is which for it matters not in the search of the soul. The seeker's attention should be on finding the truths of the teachings by running them by his soul, not on whether an outside authority gives the OK.
As far as the death by piano wire there may be some details of it in the upcoming movie about Stauffenberg, staring Tom Cruise.
Here's a web page on it:
Uche Enyidi:
"If you say that reincarnation is correct the bible is against it. The bible told us it APPOINTED UNTO MAN ONCE TO DIE AND THEN JUDGEMENT. How then are you saying he comes to die several times?"
There's a five part series on reincarnation in the archives that explains this and other scriptures. You can find it at:
I explain this verse in Part One.
Uche Enyidi:
"Do you believe the bible to be INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD?"
All words of every book are infallible if revealed in the light of the soul. Without this assistance none of them are infallible.
Uche Enyidi:
"Do you believe you should not add or remove from the word of God?"
Sounds like you are referring to the injunction given by Moses as follows:
"Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you." (Deuteronomy 4:2)
"What thing so ever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." (Deuteronomy 12:32)
Obviously he meant to not add to or take away from what he wrote and then pass it on as if they were the words of Moses. Yes, I am strongly against doing this to any writer.
I also explain a similar injunction in Revelation. You can find it here:
Uche Enyidi:
"What hope are you reserving for those that follow you in this your ideas? I can see that series of people swallow whatever you say with little criticism, what hope do you offer them?"
I offer them the hope that they can contact their own souls, which are linked to God and can lead them to the truth of all things. Then they can know the truth for themselves and will not depend on me or any other outside source. This also dispels the fear of an unloving God willing to smite us for petty insignificant things.
Uche Enyidi:
"I am asking this because it will be terrible if people believe that you are telling them the truth and at the end it was not AUTHORITATIVE."
The tragedy would be if I were authoritative. Such authority (however well intentioned) only causes a delay in the disciple finding the true God within so they can achieve liberation.
Uche Enyidi:
"Don't you think you are piloting a new age religion? Understand me well; what do you call your group of thought? Is it a new religion with its own books or are you an authority greater than the bible?"
The soul of any man is an authority greater than any written word.
No. I am not starting a new religion. The dogmatic religion of the past will fade away and loose its power and be replaced by a universal religion. This will not be a religion envisioned by conspiracy buffs where a great dictator is telling everyone what to believe, but a universal recognition of truth that is eventually seen first by the enlightened and then the masses.
One place in history where this took place is the idea of slavery. First the enlightened saw it was wrong and now the masses see it. Almost all religious thinkers now accept the freedom of the individual, even if it goes again their religious books, such as the Old Testament.
Uche Enyidi:
"Don't you think people that follow you are those who are looking for excuses to live anyhow in sin and hope that they have no punishment waiting for them?"
To live in sin means to live in error. I do not think anyone here wants to do that. The Bible says we reap that which we sow so no one here should fear a great punishment unless they have caused great pain to someone.
Uche Enyidi:
"What use is there to operate on the platform of praise singers, that see nothing wrong or do not question things that are told them?"
I'm not sure what you are getting at, but if you read the archives you'll see that about every question that can be asked in challenging me has been asked. A few still come in, but the archives answer most questions for new arrivals. Most of your questions, for instance, have already been answered.
Those who do not agree quit the list and those who find the teachings to be interesting stay on.
Uche Enyidi:
"Do you go to church, mosque or do you have your own temple? Where do you encourage your members to go?"
Do I want to punish myself with extreme boredom?
Therefore I attend no religious service. If there was somewhere I could learn something I would consider going.
Your place in the next world has nothing to do with attending a service in a stone building.
I neither encourage nor discourage anyone from attending whatever it is they want to attend. If someone wants to go howl at the moon that is fine by me as long as they stay out of my back yard.
A moment's insight is sometimes worth a lifetime's experience.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841 - 1935)
Coyright © 2007 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved