2007-7-21 02:18:00
Bryan made some interesting comments. For one thing he noted that the question and answer process on the list is different than John uses in my book "The Immortal".
True. There are advantages and disadvantages to the internet. The big advantage here is that we can call together a group participation on the spur of the moment and receive a lot of feedback and share ideas.
On the other hand, there are advantages to meeting in person as a group as well as working one on one.
One just has to take the situation he is in and make the best of it.
Bryan also says:
"I am equally convinced that even after 'we' have 'the answer' -- that there is some aspect of it that we are not going to get either -- that will prevent any of us from 'attaining' or initiating what we have learned -- or been 'told' as the case may be."
When the answer involves a piece of data then the answer is just the answer and it is black and white, cut and dried. But when it involves a principle then the answer is not always the answer. The teacher can attempt to put the principle in words and the student may see some meaning in it but not all the meaning or applications. Then he may find that after contemplation more light comes. This additional light concerning the principle may continue for lifetimes.
Concerning the current subject of rejuvenation all who pay attention will receive some valuable insights as we progress. I doubt if anyone is ready to apply the principle to completion but this doesn't mean that members are acquiring useless information. Even if the student catches the smallest glimpse of a principle he may not fully comprehend for a million years the insight will still be invaluable in the present. In addition to having useful application in the Now, just the feeling that progress is being made stimulates more progress and thus the disciple is motivated to move ahead along the great path.
John C encapsulates this with:
"Nevertheless, while I don't see any direct application of this exercise, I am seeing many indirect benefits: group work and interaction, working toward a common purpose; use of the intuitive principle of instruction; a living laboratory for practicing the technique of tuning into the intuition, bringing down ideas from above, and anchoring them in the worlds of form."
Now let us move on to the assignment. Fill the blank in the following statement:
"He thus seeks to become born again. He nullifies the cause of death by utilizing the power of rebirth. He does this by tuning into the Will of God and ________________."
The answers given have generally been along the lines that he becomes one with the Will, fulfills the Will, is enlivened by the Will, etc. These are all true insights, but the group is missing a step.
The disciple tunes into the Will of God, but before he can do anything about manifesting or becoming one with it something must happen first. What is it? What must the disciple do when he catches a glimpse of the divine will?
Hint: If he does not successfully accomplish this step all his efforts may be in vain and he may wind up doing more harm than good.
Point Of Interest:
You may remember from the first Immortal book that John said he worked with Claus Stauffenberg in Germany during World War II. Up to now not too many people have known about this person but that will soon change. Tom Cruise is making a movie about him and will portray him.
You can read an article about it at:
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