2007-7-20 04:45:00
Clarify the first part of the mystery:
The Master has power of rejuvenation and life extension because he understands the reason the average person must die. That reason is _______.
Dan came close with:
"That reason is life in the body has become limited in its current form and circumstance and reaches a dead-end in its progression."
Ruth used a key word related to the principle, which is "crystallization."
I asked for further clarification and would like this in your own words.
Johann came the closest with these thoughts:
"The Master has power of rejuvenation and life extension because he understands the reason the average person must die. That reason is that there is no room for growth as the limitation put on by crystallization hinders expansion in terms of new learning and experiences in terms of new ideas or mana or the word of God."
Later he gave a new twist on a common scripture:
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
After exploring the Greek he came up with this translation:
"The result of erring without (self) correction is crystallization and death but God's gift for taking on the name of Christ (one anointed to deliver) is eternal life."
Very good Johann.
Now we'll finish off this first section in as concise a manner as possible.
The Master has power of rejuvenation and life extension because he understands the reason the average person must die. That reason is he yields to the path of least resistance, becomes subject to inertia, crystallizes and no longer advances on the path of spiritual evolution.
Now let us move to the next stanza:
He thus seeks to become born again. He nullifies the cause of death by utilizing the power of rebirth. He does this by tuning into the Will of God and _______.
In relation to this I gave a hint in the quotation below:
"Every composer knows the anguish and despair occasioned by forgetting ideas which one had no time to write down."
Hector Berlioz (1803 - 1869)
Tuning into the Will of God is an important first step. But what is the disciple to do after he obtains the vision? It is what he must do before he attempts to fulfill that Will. No one has given a complete answer on this in their own words. Contemplate the answer and soon we can move on to the last stanza which reads:
"After this he then must do one more thing. What is it?"
Joshua was very close on this one.
If happiness truly consisted of physical ease and freedom from care, then the happiest individual would not be either a man or a woman; it would be, I think, an American cow.
William Lyon Phelps
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