2007-7-16 14:23:00
The Question:
You must be born again to see the kingdom of God or we could say:
You must be born again to become a master.
What principle is hinted at here? What does it have to do with extending your life indefinitely?
Here are some comments I extracted that lead us the right direction.
RJ wrote:
"Being born again to see the Kingdom of God implies once must die to all that is un-real.
"To 'Be-Come' more than what you were the day before, you must have the will to move forwards and expand. Without expansion there is no room for growth, and without growth from the Sun/Truth, you become hardened and inflexible."
John C wrote:
"I think I have something. It's not enough to be reborn only once. It's a continual process. To be completely flexible and adaptable, you have to keep "reinventing yourself" in all ways: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. To *Be Come* more than what you were the day before, you must have the will to move forwards and expand. Without expansion there is no room for growth, and without growth from the Sun/Truth, you become hardened and inflexible."
Bryan wrote:
"...the state (or mindset?) of 'Becoming' -- or being in a constant state of 'deciding that which you are deciding to become' (or the name of God)..."
Dan wrote:
"We must look upon the world with 'new eyes', seek to remove our natural restrictions and limitations, be open, challenge self, push into new areas of experience, push the envelope of limitations, RPN, etc., never become complacent, keep seeking more and have the opposite of the 'I have found it' attitude, eternal curiosity, attitude of a bottomless empty vessel desiring to be filled and not only be 'willing' but actually TRYing to wring all the learning out of every experience in order to expand eternally."
"Like Bryan expressed it's like eternally becoming but it's the actual DOING of it, experiencing it, rather than just thinking/talking about it that I can't quite reach."
John C wrote:
"But, now for the negative side. In order for the new world or the 'new us' to be reborn, the old one has to die. People always talk about being 'born again', but how about 'dieing again'?"
Keith wrote:
"(The crystallization of the physical body is a consequence of the crystallization of the etheric body. The limiting factor for mere mortals is the etheric body. Overcoming the etheric is the equivalent of being born again. It is the equivalent of breaking water during physical birth.)"
Bryan wrote:
"Also the principle of Entropy versus the application of active intelligence came into my mind,"
Great story by Joshua giving an important lesson on the way.
"I would add that all a person's studying and learning brings them to this point, but in order to continue with the rebirth/renewal process, they may have to "die" to some of their former mental learning and be reborn into the new world of the intuition."
The group has talked around the principle but not yet distilled it into a paragraph that appropriately conveys it.
Fill in the blanks:
The Master has power of rejuvenation and life extension because he understands the reason the average person must die. That reason is _______. He thus seeks to become born again. He nullifies the cause of death by utilizing the power of rebirth. He does this by tuning into the Will of God and _______. After this he then must do one more thing. What is it?
The first person to get the completed paragraph wins a prepress signed copy of my book - The Unveiling.
Beware of the young doctor and the old barber.
Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
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