2007-7-13 04:53:00
My Friends,
The core question under discussion seems to be something like this.
It seems that many spiritual experiences follow something very painful in life. Is such pain necessary or can we achieve a painless enlightenment?
Do painful experiences distort reality and can we trust revelations that come from them?
The core principle to look at in answering this is the point of tension. A painful experience often stimulates the point of tension, but the tension can be created without pain.
The answer to the following questions will bring enlightenment on this subject. Here they are:
Why are we designed to die after 75 years or so? Why not 200 years?
What's the difference in mindset between a master who has power to extend his life and a regular mortal who does not?
Global Warming Enlightenment:
I read an interesting article giving these facts:
Al Gore, a potential presidential candidate, received over 75 hours of free advertising for his Live Earth from NBC, including CNBC, Bravo, the Sundance channel, Universal HD and Telemundo.
The corporate parent of NBC is General Electric. GE has huge investments in alternative energy products from wind turbines to solar panels to those compact fluorescent bulbs containing mercury. They are happy as a lark to hear the coal industry attacked.
The article ended with this statement:
When a conservative appears on talk radio, liberals cry for the Fairness Doctrine. Seventy-five free hours for Archbishop Gore's Church of Climate Change? Not a peep.
Copyright © 2007 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved