End Of Days | End Of The World Podcasts, Parts 3 & 4

2007-7-11 04:35:00

My Friends,

Here are two more podcasts that continue the series on the "End of Days."


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Or you can listen to all of the podcasts of the "End Of Days" ("End Of The World") podcasts right from this page!


End Of Days | End Of The World Podcast Index

In this eight part series, author of "The Immortal" series, and spiritual teacher, Joseph John (JJ) Dewey provides new insights and non-traditional explanations as it relates to the preconceived notions and beliefs about how, when and why the world -- as we know it -- will come to an end. These biblically based prophecies of "doom and gloom" are also commonly referred to by many as the "End Of Days" or "End Times," the Apocalypse, Armageddon, and other similar titles. Other popular and related topics discussed in this series are:   The Antichrist, The Beast, The Mark, and others.

Your listening options are:

  1. To listen to an individual podcast, click on any speaker or the link in-between the speakers which should download the MP3 file, and automatically launch your MP3 player. You also can download any of these podcasts onto your computer's hard drive and listen to them later and on an MP3 player of your choice.
  2. Or, to listen to all the podcasts in this series via streaming audio.


Click to listen to podcast entitled 'End Of The World,' Pt 1, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.   End Of The World -- Part 1   Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 1, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.

In this first installment, JJ Dewey reveals where the idea of the "end of the world" may have come from in the first place. Is there a principle at play operating behind the fulfillment of these prophecies? Learn how this principle can be tied to the highest entity on this planet, and those that are referred to as "The Watchers."


Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 2, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.   End Of The World -- Part 2   Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 2, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.

How can placing our attention upon these "End Times" prophecies actually affect their manifestation? What kind of energy is created when our attention is placed upon thoughts such as these? Is there a way that we can actually empower ourselves which will affect the how these prophecies are fulfilled? What part do possible misinterpretations of biblical scriptures play in all this?


Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 3, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.   End Of The World -- Part 3   Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 3, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.

What other scriptural misinterpretations contribute to popular "end times" beliefs? What are the signs of Jesus' coming? What is the Sign Of The Son Of Man? Is it possible that The Bible describes the nuclear detonation of an atomic bomb? What does the detonation of a nuclear device have to do with the return of Jesus? How could the splitting of the atom correspond with the resurrection of Jesus?


Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 4, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.   End Of The World -- Part 4   Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 4, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.

What promise is given to those who witness the Sign Of The Son Of Man? When exactly is Jesus going to reappear? Might there be various stages associated with the Reappearance of Christ? What stage are we presently in? How long will it take for all of these stages to be completed before He can return?


Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 5, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.   End Of The World -- Part 5   Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 5, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.

Why is everyone waiting for the Antichrist to appear when The Bible clearly states that the Antichrist was already upon the earth at the time of Jesus? If the Antichrist is already here, then where is he? Was Hitler the Antichrist? Most are thoroughly convinced that they have the true interpretation of biblical references to Jesus' return. If this were true, then why is it that almost all of the predictions associated with the return of Jesus have been wrong--and still continue to be wrong? Just how accurate were the Jewish interpretations of scripture as to Jesus' birth?


Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 6, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.   End Of The World -- Part 6   Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 6, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.

If the Antichrist has always been upon the earth--then how about The Beast? Who and what is The Beast? What does unearned and unjust authority have anything to do with The Beast? Are there professional fields which tend to promote the power of The Beast more than others? Is there any human who can demonstrate their infallibility? Discover how the tradition of entombing our dead may actually impede the evolutionary progress of the earth and everything upon it.


Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 7, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.   End Of The World -- Part 7   Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 7, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.

Can religions -- their leaders -- or even The Bible become The Beast? How did The Beast crucify Jesus, murder the Apostles, and other early Christians? Learn how The Beast was wounded in one of it's heads by the creation of the Constitution Of The United States. How does the power of election and the "appointment process" affect the power of The Beast?


Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 8, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.   End Of The World -- Part 8   Click to listen to podcast entitled End Of The World, Pt 8, by author and spiritual teacher JJ Dewey.

What will happen in the year 2012? Is there a correspondence between the year 2012 and the Mayan Calendar? Are there going to be any great "earth changes"? Can we do anything right now that can positively affect the future of the world? How does "good go bad"? What would it be like to meet Jesus or some other Master?


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