2007-7-10 13:52:00
My Friends,
I thought you may be interested in a post I made to Sterling's List. Keep in mind that most of these are rebel Mormons and many of them are either waiting for a man like Moses to show up or think they are the guy.
There's been a lot of talk lately about looking for or finding the true David servant, The One Mighty and Strong, or the coming of Christ. Concerning this subject I find it interesting how many claims have been made here (On Sterling's site). It's amazing since I have joined this list how many have had their hands up saying "Choose me. I am the great one. Is not my greatness obvious to you sinners?"
Sure they don't actually say that, but that's the way it comes across.
I thought I would write a few words on what we really should be looking for. This is not based on me just proclaiming it, but by giving the readers evidence.
And where is that evidence?
From the past.
Let us look at three great servants and see how they were recognized and then apply what we learn to recognizing servants to come. Logic tells us that since history repeats itself and if there are similarities in these three then we should get some pretty good clues what to look for.
Three significant servants in history are Moses, Jesus and Joseph Smith.
Let us start with Moses.
After discovering he was a Hebrew he fled Egypt and lived for 40 years in the wilderness herding sheep. It is quite possible he suspected he may be the prophesied deliverer, but held his peace. He didn't go around saying "I am the deliverer. You must listen to me because I am an important person."
Even if Moses knew he was the one he had the common sense to know that people wouldn't accept him just because he proclaimed himself.
So how did the people find out about Moses?
They had evidence of who he was when they saw him boldly go before the presence of the Pharaoh time and time again with power that overwhelmed all his magicians.
Finally, when they crossed through the Red Sea and were delivered they were pretty certain.
They continued to have doubts but their conviction was increased when additional works as well as inspired words, such as the Ten Commandments, were given out by him.
Conclusion: The works and the words of Moses bore him witness. Never did he have to proclaim himself as the deliverer, though he did tell the Elders about his revelation. After he performed the works of a deliverer and gave the words of the caliber of a prophet the people just knew.
Jesus showed up almost out of the blue and performed mighty miracles and works. He gave out eternal words that will not pass away, greater than the ear of man had ever heard.
Never did he announce to the people that he was the Messiah. He did not have to. His works and his words made the proclamation for him.
How did he find his disciples? He went to them and invited them to join his group. They did not have to go seek him out in some hidden location.
"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you." (John 15:16)
Joseph Smith:
How did Joseph receive recognition as being a prophet? Did he say "Hey guys, God talks to me. I am a prophet. Follow me?"?
No. He began his work by presenting the Book of Mormon to the people and telling them to read and pray about it. This was a mighty and unique work for its time and convinced many people that Joseph was the messenger of the age.
In addition he presented many other great words and works even to the building of cities, temples and gathering a great people as did Moses.
The first vision was not used as a proselytizing tool in the beginning. The witnesses to Joseph were the words and works he brought forth.
On this note you might want to go back and read my comments on the two witnesses from the Book of Revelation which are the Words and Works of a disciple. This dissertation starts in the archives at:
Taking all this into account what should we look for in seeking the servant who is to come?
I'll tell you what we should not look for and that is he will not be found among the many with no significant works or words with their hand up saying "Listen to me. I am he." If he thought he knew who he was he would bide his time in the wilderness as did Moses. After all, he could be wrong, and then he would not wind up embarrassing himself.
We as seekers should look for a reasonable repetition of the past. The next servant (or servants) will announce himself with his works and words. Instead of believing one who says "I am he," the seekers will be asking "Who is this guy? Could he be the one? Let's check him out."
Here we see that right up to the crucifixion that Jesus had not clearly identified himself:
"But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God." (Matthew 26:63)
He did tell them previously. He told them through his mighty works and his eternal words.
Thus today we need to look for servants and teachers who are giving out teachings that touch the spirit within and perform works that inspire us because they move forward the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
Officials at Live Earth Johannesburg have blamed low turnout for their Global Warming Extravaganza on cold weather and snow. Instead of just calling it cold weather they blame the cold on "climate change." If is gets colder they claim they are right and if it gets warmer they claim they are right and we all know the weather and climate never stays the same.
See story at:
http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/live%20earth%20johannesburg%20offic\ ials%20blame%20climate%20change%20for%20poor%20turn-out_1036572
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