2007-7-5 18:55:00
Woody quoting me:
"When we speak of our soul we speak of a being which is called the Solar Angel. The Solar Angel is a great entity which has evolved and gone through the human stage and has become a Master and has moved on to the higher spheres."
Woody writes:
Horse hockey. I've met a Solar Angel before and I wasn't very impressed.
I think I already told you this story, but it's been a while. An entity claiming to be my higher self appeared to me and told me he had some stuff for me to do. I told him I'd listen to his proposal and if I agreed with it, I'd probably choose to do it. He tried to pull rank on me, pointing out that the higher self was more 'real' than a lower self, of which I was.
Your Solar Angel would never belittle you like this. I think you saw a thoughtform of your own making. When you see through the soul and speak through the soul others will feel through the soul and see through the eyes of the intuition. They will feel elevated.
Copyright © 2007 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved