2007-7-4 02:50:00
John C writes:
"I know JJ called Ann Coulter an 'initiate of the right'."
I didn't recall saying this so I searched the archives to make sure and couldn't find any such statement.
I get the feeling that you do not think she could be an initiate because you do not like her, but remember this. Most of the initiates in world history have been extremely disliked.
The views and statements of initiates are also extremely twisted, falsified and misrepresented by the powers that be. Ann Coulter certainly fits into this category. I read all her columns and watch her on TV and when I later see her views represented by the major media they are often ten miles from what was actually said.
For instance - John continues:
"...but do you know some of the things she has been saying lately? JJ She offhandedly called John Edwards, one of the Democratic candidates, a "faggot" (gay equivalent of the N-word)..."
Actually, she didn't call Edwards a faggot, at least not directly. Instead, she said that she could not call him a faggot or she would be forced into rehab. She later said she was making a point of how the politically correct mode has gone amok. She was saying this in reference to Grey's Anatomy star, Isaiah Washington, who used the word twice in reference to co-star T.R. Knight. Washington was later forced into a rehab program by ABC for saying the word. Coulter thinks that people should be able to speak freely even if offensive without being forced into rehab.
I agree with her on that point. That said do I think she should have said what she said? I wouldn't have taken that approach but neither do I go around condemning people for saying outrageous things unless there is hypocrisy or deception involved. Bill Maher has said much more mean spirited things by distorting the truth. The many who compare Bush to Hitler are much more misled than the attempt at humor made by Coulter.
John C:
"...and also said that it would be better for him to have died in a terrorist attack."
As illustrated by the movie clip supplied by Bryan she was giving that as an example of what she could get away with if she were tolerated like Bill Maher who seriously said he wished Cheney had died.
John C:
"When Mrs. Edwards got on TV with her and asked her to knock off the personal attacks on her husband, 'the Coultergeist' started screaming at her and poor Mrs. Edwards, being the polite Southern lady that she is, couldn't get a word in edgewise."
I don't think you must have watched this show because Mrs. Edwards did most of the talking and Coulter did no screaming.
John C:
"Now, keep in mind that I'm no Democrat, and I can't stand Edwards, but what Ann Coulter did is in no way civil, nor befitting an initiate of any level."
An initiate is one who initiates, not one who is always mister nice guy. This especially applies to the first and second degree.
John C:
"Sorry, this was off-topic, but I don't want anybody to think Ann Coulter has anything in common with Snow White or Mary Poppins. More like Cruella deVille."
She is quite biting when she criticizes, but the people she goes after usually deserve it. I think she is the most intelligent political writer in the country. Her intelligence comes across more in her writing than in her speech.
You might want to check her current column dated June 28 - "THAT WAS NO LADY - THAT WAS MY HUSBAND" at:
Here she talks about the Edwards incident. I'd suggest you go to her archives and read several of her columns. That is the only way to form an unbiased opinion of her.
Ruth W writes:
"Here I disagree. The concept is that the Mexican government is responsible for their people; not us. Criminals caught here should be returned to Mexico for imprisonment. In addition, the Mexican government should reimburse us for all our trouble in apprehending and returning them. If the government does not have the money (because the corrupt people in office have taken it) then we could be paid in petrol. Mexico refines its own gasoline, and this is government controlled. There are other resources in Mexico that could be used as well."
I would agree with you if Mexico would cooperate and imprison lawbreakers, but if we sent them to Mexico they would generally just left them go.
On the other hand, if we paid Mexico to house them in prison then we could save up to 30,000 USD a year per prisoner and that makes economic sense.
Larry quoting me:
"The fact is we have a 2000 mile border with Mexico. We need to either build a fence across the entire border or none at all. Taking half measures will not protect us from either terrorists or too much illegal immigration."
Larry writes:
"There are certain areas of the border that are very, very much more likely to be used than others. Such black and white, either/or logic is a fallacy. It is this kind of thinking that in part defeats taking effective measures."
Yes, that is the case now but if we built a partial fence then new areas of high crossover would appear.
If I were a Mexican wanting a better life and they built a hundred miles of fence to stop me I would just travel 100 miles down the fence until there was no fence and cross over there. I'd do that even if I had to walk. Tell me where I am wrong here.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
Prince Charles (who is big on Global Warming) says his household emitted 3,425 tonnes of greenhouse gases last year. That must make him one of the biggest emitters in the world, even though he is cutting back with measures like running his Jaguar on fuel made from cooking oil.
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