2007-7-3 04:45:00
There is a huge controversy brewing as to whether we should build a fence on our border with Mexico. It's too bad circumstances have led to this possible solution but concerns over terrorists crossing the border as well as an overflow of aliens is such that it is now considered by many rank and file citizens.
Ironically few politicians support the idea. Never has there been such a divide between what the politicians think we should have and what the public thinks. The latest immigration bill was supported by most politicians, but not the public. It was only when politicians received a drove of angry letters from constituents that some backed off and the bill was defeated.
It was largely defeated because to the public's ears it sounded too much like the last one that did not work. We were promised in the past that our borders would be made secure and they were not. This time the promise is not believed because there this bill has no teeth. The thinking of many is this. First secure the borders and then we can start thinking more liberally toward those who are here.
Last year Congress approved a couple billion dollars to build a 700 mile fence and little has moved forward on the project. Citizens feel politicians are dragging their feet and have no intention on building a fence. All they did was pass some legislation that makes then look like they are doing something. This is one reason that voters are so outraged by the new legislation. We think Congress is just trying to push something through that makes it look like they are concerned about the problem, but nothing much will happen.
The fact is we have a 2000 mile border with Mexico. We need to either build a fence across the entire border or none at all. Taking half measures will not protect us from either terrorists or too much illegal immigration.
Israel resisted building a fence for decades, but now that they have constructed one there has been a dramatic decrease of illegals and suicide bombers. The people near the fences are now able to live in much greater peace and security than before the fence.
The problem we have with a fence is that even if the public wants it the politicians are afraid to support building it. Why? Because both Democrats and Republicans see the Spanish Americans as the new largest minority in the country and want to cater to their votes. They seem to forget about other voters.
On the other hand, if we have another 911 and it is linked to smuggling WMDs across the border then there will be a lot of foot dragging politicians voted out and new ones put in.
If we do not build a fence then we need to increase border security and possibly bring in the national guard to secure the borders. Advanced technology could also be employed.
In addition to regular security measure we need to do all in our power to use our influence to change the Mexican system to a more democratic government with free enterprise and individual initiative encouraged. If the people have good employment there the illegal immigration problem will go away. We have made many loans and done many favors for Mexico without asking anything in return. We ought to ask for some reform.
Most illegals are hard working honest people but they have their share of the criminal element. Right now when an illegal is caught committing a crime he is sent to jail in a U.S. prison which often gives him a better life than he had in Mexico and costs us 30-40,000 USD a year.
What we ought to do with these guys is send then back to Mexico and pay the Mexican government to take care of them in their own prison system. That would make an illegal think twice about committing a crime here.
In addition we also have the Canadian border to worry about. It is true that we do not have a large influx of Canadians wanting to come here because they have a reasonable economy but a terrorist could make it across that border with way too much ease. Securing this border also needs serious investigation.
Securing our borders and way of life is a major problem at present and there is no easy solution. In addition, politicians do not have the will to impose anything but a feel-good solution. That could change in a heartbeat, however, by means of a WMD being smuggled across the border.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
July 3, 2007 'Scepticism' over climate claims the public believes the effects of global warming on the climate are not as bad as politicians and scientists claim, a poll has suggested.
The Ipsos Mori poll of 2,032 adults - interviewed between 14 and 20 June - found 56 percent believed scientists were still questioning climate change.
There was a feeling the problem was exaggerated to make money, it found.
The Royal Society said most climate scientists believed humans were having an "unprecedented" effect on climate.
The survey suggested that terrorism, graffiti, crime and dog mess were all of more concern than climate change.
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