2007-6-26 14:00:00
A reader on Sterling's list asks:
We know Jesus came in the meridian of time, appearing to the Jews as Jesus, Yeshua, whatever.
Lucifer had a name before he fell. What then was Jesus name at the same time and place that Satan was still called Lucifer? How could Lucifer have a name, but the to-be Jesus not have a name?
What was Jesus' name before he was Jesus?
They were both Morning Stars, or Bringers of Light as noted in Revelations:
"I (Jesus) am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." (Revelation 22:16)
Let us literally retranslate this:
"I am the root and the offspring of David, and Lucifer."
Intelligence, we are told is "the light of truth" and in the beginning we were intelligences. Before creation there were great intelligences called the Sons of the Morning, or Morning Stars who were greater carriers of light than others.
It is interesting that if we use the name Lucifer in this age one conjures up some evil dark entity bent on destruction. But if we use the meaning behind the name of Lucifer then an entirely different image occurs. If we say he is a carrier of light to his fellowmen we tend to think more of Jesus than we do Satan. This is only natural, for all great souls are carriers of light.
Now here is something very startling to some. The name Lucifer and Jesus Christ have essentially the same meaning making them essentially the same name.
The name Jesus Christ literally means "anointed to deliver." Jesus delivered us by acting as a carrier of light. When we take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ we commit ourselves to assist in the great plan of salvation by becoming carriers of light (Lucifers) to assist those who have a lesser degree of light.
To attempt to get much light by identifying any being with a name in our language does little good for the true name of any being is the totality of his vibration. A name in English is a symbol of that vibration but the symbol reveals only an infinitesimal amount of the pure essence. To know the true name of another a person must become one with that person through a spiritual communion. This is one reason Jesus established the Sacrament. If done correctly we can then tune into the essence of Christ and recognize his true vibration and know his true name through touching spirit.
This will also give us power to recognize a fallen Lucifer who is no longer a carrier of light, but a prince of darkness.
"If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Matthew 6:23)
As we learn to know the God essence in each person names will come to mind that reveal an aspect of that person. These aspects blend until we arrive at the name that is above "every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:" (Ephesians 1:21) -- even the name of Jesus Christ.
There is no greater meaning behind any name than to carry out the meaning behind the name of Jesus Christ which is to assist in bringing light and deliverance to those in need.
For a more detailed explanation of the name of Lucifer go to:
He also asks:
"So 'hearing his (Christ) voice] is so important, those who do not hear it will be cut off. Well, logic says he has to be speaking in order to hear the voice. If I have never met this person, never read his website, read his books, encountered him in a dream (?)--how can I even reject him, let alone 'hear his voice'?"
Good question. The truth is that the voice of Christ refers to more than the voice of a certain entity. It refers to the inner voice that speaks to all who will tune in through the Spirit.
Also when another speaks through the medium of Spirit the one who hears in the Spirit can tell from whence the message comes.
Soon there will come another gathering and the dividing line will be the voice itself. Those who hear the voice will gather and those who do not will stay where they are.
The gathering has already taken place on higher planes and that which is in heaven will one day manifest on earth.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
It is interesting that after Katrina the global warming crowd decided to pin this and other hurricanes on grandma driving her old Cadillac to the hospital to see grandpa as well as other people just trying to get on with their lives.
The "consensus" scientists couldn't wait to make lots of predictions about increased hurricanes in the future due to global warming.
For 2006 they predicted from 13-16 named storms with 8-10 becoming hurricanes. As it turned out the season was mild and there was not one hurricane that hit the mainland.
Now that we are about a month into hurricane season in 2007 the global warming people are nervous again. "Forecasters have predicted that 17 named storms will form in the Atlantic this year, with nine of those becoming hurricanes. Five of those hurricanes are expected to be major hurricanes."
Not much has happened so far. I'm glad I'm on the side of looking for good news rather than the global warming bunch that seem gleeful about bad news.
If these scientists are so far off on what we can verify then why should we destroy our economy to save ourselves from their other predictions?
And speaking of predictions, one of my predictions was that the disasters this year would be strongly related to fire and fires have been continually in the news. The latest one is the one near Lake Tahoe which has been in the news the past few days.
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