2007-6-16 03:46:00
Livs writes:
"The following is part of a discussion at another forum that I am a member of. It brings up some interesting points regarding The Wisdom and how the different Masters represented this information through their respective disciples.
"It'd be interesting to get JJ's opinion on the difference between these teachings and why the need to have three representations of The Wisdom given to humanity in such a relatively short time frame; i.e., 100 years."
Livs then quotes a writer named Richard who says:
"There definitely needs to be more realization that the works of Blavatsky, Bailey, Roerich, and Cedercrans, are all from the same source of The Wisdom. They are only different forms of interpretation."
These are indeed teachers involved in the one work but there is a huge difference in quality and presentation.
Blavatsky and Bailey were major presentations that have had much wider influence and impact than Roerich, and Cedercrans or any other contemporaries. Alice A. Bailey's teachings are unique in the fact that she was an actual scribe for a Master's literal words. While it is indeed possible that Alice A. Bailey slipped in some of her own words at times or that DK (Djwhal Khul) made some errors himself, the purity and quality of this revelation is unsurpassed.
I think that Roerich, and Cedercrans received some contact from the Hierarchy as well as some impressions, but their writings are largely their own words and reflect the quality of a disciple's thoughts rather than a Master.
The purpose of teachers such as Roerich, and Cedercrans is not to give humanity a major revelation as did Alice A. Bailey but to take the Ancient Wisdom and present it in a form that will reach a wider section of humanity.
Thus I would not characterize the teachings of Bailey, Roerich, and Cedercrans as three presentations of the same material for there are some major differences, especially between Bailey and Roerich.
Of the three Bailey is the main revelation, or the vine and Roerich, and Cedercrans are two branches which have value in bringing forth fruit, but further from the source of pure principles.
I do not believe the Hierarchy ever saw Roerich and Cedercrans as direct representatives whose thoughts represented their thoughts, but as disciples that could be stimulated to assist others upon the Path.
"There is definitely a NEW thought-form presentation of the Wisdom, but there is still confusion, mis-understanding, and even skepticism about what it really is and how it came about."
I haven't seen any new thought-form presentation of the Ancient Wisdom. Of course, each teacher gives his own take on the subject, but I wouldn't say that any teacher I have seen has given a strong enough presentation to create a new world thoughtform.
"The Master R told the group around 1958 that there was a planned separation or holding apart of the work DK had done with AAB from this new work of the Ashram of Synthesis simply because of the potential problems that would occur at the level of the form nature, the personality."
I have no idea what he is trying to say here, but would be interested in knowing what group he is referring to and to see the words that are supposed to be attributed to Master R. Also were they given by direct voice or mental telepathy?
"The initial three Masters (M, DK, & R) who collaborated in building this 'new' thought-form presentation did so in response to the fact there has been a sudden and unexpected evolutionary change or 'quantum leap' in Humanity's consciousness since the conclusion of the World War."
I see humanity's evolution since World War II as falling behind expectations, if anything. Where is this quantum leap in consciousness? True we have made technological advances, but that is another matter. Many disciples and aspirants are caught up in the thoughtform that humanity has or is about to make a great leap and evidence does not bear this out. Many disciples have been a disappointment and have gotten bogged down in glamour and illusion. Much of this has to be dispelled before a leap in group consciousness can be made.
"What is new is the handing down into a greater depth of human consciousness and disciples the Secrets of Magic and the Creative Process of the Soul Itself long hidden from Humanity."
And we find evidence of this - Where?
"What is new is the synthesis of the many states of human consciousness into a newly organized One Life that is now for the first time responsive to the Divine Plan and the energies directly from Shamballa."
And we know this because...?
"What is new is the synthesis of all five Initiations into One Initiation."
This is definitely not true. For an aspirant to even absorb three initiations at once would be so disruptive it would cause death. Five at once is unthinkable. The unfolding energies within have to be adjusted gradually else great harm could follow.
"This is why so many disciples associated with this kind of work, through so many different forms from the past, are so confused. This is what we call the: Soul-Confused Persona."
Anyone taking the fifth initiation would not be so confused.
"The Masters have responded to this sudden change they see in the Spiritual Soul, from their level, and have created in response to this change, the New Thought-Form Presentation of the Wisdom--an interpretation of the LIFE of the Spiritual Soul which in Itself is NEW. That is what is new."
I'd be interested in seeing just one new thing.
"The Spiritual Soul began to show signs of a 'synthesis' within all of Its aspects that had been fragmented and lost since Atlantis and the breaking of the antaskarana, which affected our entire planetary life and all the Kingdoms, even the Hierarchy and Shamballa.
"That is why the Avatar of Synthesis is here to assist in this new evolutionary effort in cooperation with the Christ and even the Cosmic Christ. This is why the New Ashram of Synthesis has been created in a response to these rapid changes in the Consciousness of Humanity for the first time in the history of our planet. Nothing like this has happened before. This is why there has been, and still is so much attention being directed to our planet from local and Cosmic sources watching and supporting in ways, that one teacher said, 'you could not possibly imagine'."
I would be interested in knowing why we are supposed to believe this. Are there some new writings comparable to Alice A. Bailey's that touch the soul to the extent that leads one to exclaim that the source is reliable? If so, I would like to see them.
The truth is the kindest thing we can give folks in the end.
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 - 1896)
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