2007-6-7 07:38:00
Sharon writes:
What I find interesting is that the Baha'i faith is another faith with their headquarters in Israel. There is much more than has been discussed that makes Israel such a place of importance. JJ, would you mind telling us what you see around this area that makes each faith find it so important to anchor itself there?
Some of it has to do with the energy grids that crisscross over the earth. As I said before the earth is a physical body of a great entity and has points on it that correspond to acupuncture points in the human body. Then, as Bryan pointed out, this correspondence even extends to the stars. Where a convergence of energy occurs on earth many will sense the increased energy and gather there.
As you know, there are seven major energy centers for the human body (and many minor ones) so one may wonder where these are on the earth. DK (Djwahl Khul) names five of them in relation to the human kingdom and points out that two more will manifest in the future. One is in Africa and I'm not sure if he mentioned the other.
The five he named are:
He never named Israel or Jerusalem as a major center. Why is this?
Even though numerous energies converge around Israel it is not currently a major center. It was a major center in the far past and this is why those who put a lot of attention on the past are drawn by its energies.
The true esoteric heart center of the planet is the spiritual New Jerusalem. Even though it does not yet have a concrete form upon the earth it does exist in the spirits of the pure in heart upon the earth as well as the Masters themselves.
Not only does the earth and humanity have seven centers but each country does.
Contemplate the United States and see if you can locate the seven cities which represent the seven centers.
Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)
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