2007-5-31 08:08:00
The next Mantra to consider is The Gayatri, which DK describes as "the famous prayer of India."
"Unveil to us the face of the true spiritual sun,
Hidden by a disk of golden light,
That we may know the truth and do our whole duty
As we journey to Thy sacred feet."
(Treatise on White Magic, Page 59)
What is the spiritual sun and what is the face to be unveiled?
DK gives another mantra that mentions this.
"In neither pain nor joy is liberation found.
In neither dark nor light will the spiritual sun appear.
The pairs of opposites distract the eyes of men.
Only the single eye directs the steps
Of the initiate upon the Way."
(Discipleship in the New Age Vol 2, Page 664)
Give any comments that you feel to share on the above words.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
Daily Mail; May 29, 2007
Freak snow, ice and cold plague Europe
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id\ =458562&in_page_id=1811
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