2007-5-27 04:31:00
I never did answer SH who asked:
"Is there presently or has there recently been an attempt at a molecular-order-based group?"
I have been attempting to create a molecule since I was given the concept. I have had some interesting experiences and verifications along the way but not yet accomplished it.
The reason the first one is so difficult is the members need to be gathered into one place and the participants need to have achieved soul contact to the degree that all lack of harmony will be resolved with the soul rather than the personality. Even then, to create a molecular link, the group has to be accepted by the Christ and linked up through an overshadowing of a Master.
I haven't put much effort in calling people to Boise because I have not yet been successful in permeating public consciousness with my teachings to draw the 24 units of spiritual talent necessary to create a molecule.
The teachings on the Molecular Relationship is perhaps the most stimulating of all my teachings and some may wonder what they can do to help or if they could work to create a molecule in their area.
All are always free to use any of the principles I teach and incorporate them as they see fit. The difficult part is preparing the group to be accepted by the Spiritual Hierarchy. But even without that link it is a worthwhile venture for several reasons:
Another reader asks:
"In your post at: http://www.freeread.com/archives/3684.php
"...you state:
"'We know they founded Masonry and this is somewhat hierarchical.'
"How do 'we' know this?"
DK said they founded Masonry.
"If I had to guess, I would guess that DK says it somewhere in his teachings...
"Also, you state: 'They thought they had a better way.'
"In using the word 'thought' do you mean that they are now aware of their 'mistake'? Or do they still believe they have a better way?"
They probably still think they have a better way.
"Again, I ask for a similar reason that I asked you about 'Lucifer'; i.e., how is it that a being of such higher evolution isn't aware of what they have done--but you (or we) are?
They are aware of what they have done. They just think they have a better way than their Master.
Perhaps you are asking why they do not see their mistake. The answer is that each of us can only go by our experience and faith in those further along the path than ourselves. Sometimes an entity will not trust the voice of one higher than himself and must learn through additional hard experience.
The knowledge of what they have done comes down from the hierarchy. If it is the true hierarchy then even the lowest can know the mistakes of the higher. The average seeker can be misled by a wayward brother, but he can be corrected by a counterpart to such a brother.
"In the article at: http://www.freeread.com/archives/3682.php
"...you state:
"(begin quote) Let me just remind the group that yes, judgment is one of the keys, but there are two aspects to this key. The first is a negative and limiting judgment, Example: 'You are dumb as a post.' The second is a positive discerning judgment. Example: 'You have a creative mind.' (end quote)
"What would you characterize a statement where you state something to the effect:
"'That was a stupid thing that you did.'
"Meaning, you do not label the person as 'stupid' (or whatever), but their actions."
Labeling a thing a person does as stupid is not as judgmental as labeling the actual person as stupid but in most cases it would still be an example of a negative judgment.
The reason is that the word "stupid" itself is a word casting a negative judgment that may or may not be true. One can, out of the blue, label something brilliant as stupid.
It is always best to avoid inflammatory judgmental words and stick to the facts. Whereas a word like "stupid" can be entirely wrong, true facts are never wrong and do not cast a negative judgment.
For instance: "You made a mistake when you said that Pi is 3.14158. It is really 3.14159."
Usually, when a mistake is made it is a negative judgment to call either the person or what he does "stupid" or some other similar word. Give the person the facts and let him correct and judge for himself how "stupid" the mistake was.
"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
-- Vincent Van Gough
Obviously such a voice is from the Lower Self.
Copyright © 2007 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved