2007-5-19 03:48:00
John C indicates that because of "deep-seated religious prejudices," I believe that gays are closet women or desire to be women.
First let me state that my views on gays have nothing to do with religious prejudices. How could they when that which I teach is not even found in any religion that I have ever studied?
I thought I made my views clear on this subject, but let me clarify further.
I have never said that gay men are closet women or desire to be women. A person who wants to change sex is a transsexual rather than a gay. This, as you know, is an entirely different situation and I have also written about their problem.
What I have said is that the energy of the two polarities that run through us fluctuates from life to life. The degree of pull we have toward the opposite sex will change from life to life (and some within a life). As the energy changes then too will our focus change. As the energy nears the zero point the person will have little sexual attraction toward his opposite. This does not mean he wants to be a different sex or that he has low sexual energy for he may have high sexual energy and if this is the case he may have intense romantic relationships with the person of his choice. Sexual energy is more dependent on the vital body and his focus of attention than the polarity.
In order to obtain mastery we have to experience all the fluctuations of energy and every situation possible. Do you think you will be gay, hetero, male or female for eternity? We are never happy being one thing forever. Life demands change. No matter how settled we are in a situation the time will come that most will willingly seek change and if we are not willing, change will be forced upon us.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
Whether we are in a globally warm or cool period depends on our point of reference. If we use 1970 as a reference then we are in a warm period, but if we use 1930 then we are experiencing cool years.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming by Christopher C. Horner, Page 62
Copyright © 2007 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved