2007-5-11 06:15:00
My Friends,
As you know I finished the rough draft of the commentary on Revelations some time ago. The name I have decided upon is:
"The Unveiling - The Hidden Meaning of the Apocalypse Revealed"
All that remains now is to do a final editing. The problem is that I have not had time to do this. To free up some time I have decided to do something different with this group as well as provide more opportunity for the members.
We will do a variation of the associate teaching program we did some time ago which should free up some extra time for editing.
First I will ask for volunteers who are willing to lend their talents toward teaching and guiding the list. This person will then be the teacher for two weeks. Then we will move to another volunteer and after two more weeks another.
The teacher can draw materials from the archives, Alice A. Bailey materials, the scriptures or other sources in harmony with the group. I may provide some seed thoughts and questions as warranted or the teacher can also if he or she feels comfortable doing so.
I'll still plan on making one major post a week with short comments in between.
The first step is to solicit volunteers. If you are interested post a message to the group. If you have any ideas as to what you want to implement or cover let us know.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the arm of the U.N. that claims the debate on global warming is settled predicted in 2001 a rise in sea level of around three feet by the end of the century. Now the new 2007 report just issued has reduced that estimate to 16 inches. This agency has revised its figures by 225% from one report to the next. For them to then demand us to trust them and spend trillions of dollars on their recommendations is obscene.
For more information:
Not the End of the World as We Know It by Olaf Stampf May 07, 2007 http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,481684,00.html
Copyright © 2007 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved