2007-5-10 06:51:00
Thank you for your comments on sharing The Immortal, Stephen. It sounds like the person who embraced it will be a friend for life.
Question: If the Snowflake Principle is true then how can there be a Principle of Equality and what would that be?
The group made some good comments about the current subject. Let's start with Ruth (RJ):
"The Principle of Equality is realistically the Principle of Soul or the Oversoul of humanity and the Earth. ...The Snowflake Principle exists in duality, because the Snowflake Principle works within matter and matter is built upon an illusion rather than a true Principle, whereas the Principle of Equality is built upon that which is real and true within matter and is equal to Itself in all areas of manifestations.
"Snowflake Principle - Identification as being unique to Self and other forms - Individualisation of Self and distinction from other forms - Separative illusion of Self to others.
"Equality Principle - Non-Identification to Self from other forms - Non-Individualisation of Self to other forms - Inclusive of Self within all forms."
"Individuals are equal in their interdependency and necessity to the whole."
"If I am not equal too a past or future self, then how can any of us be equal, other than in potential?"
"We are reminded of this truth as written by the United States' Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'
"The wisdom expressed in this great statement encompasses several aspects. One of course is the more obvious, plain-to-see aspect regarding the overarching inalienable "rights" of all individuals (regardless of whatever [individual] differences, beliefs, socio-economic status, background, etc.) Another more subtle aspect is that all are equal in terms of being a vital, essential part of a greater whole."
John C:
"There are lots of principles which appear to be in conflict until we discover another higher principle which governs the lower principles.
"The snowflake, itself, gives us the lesson. When water is crystallized into form, it does so using well-understood principles. But, random forces are also at work, which produce uniqueness. When snowflakes melt, they form water which appears more homogenous, although each water molecule may differ slightly, and each atom in the water molecule may differ slightly. The differences are more subtle, but they are nonetheless present.
"Where we are equal is in our potential. We all have the same native ability to make decisions, and to manifest the results of those decisions."
"I found that the key element lies in the misuse and/or misapplication of the word 'sameness' versus and/or inappropriate mixed with the concept of 'equality.'
"In that the word/concept of 'sameness' is often used as a tool to 'force' equality, and when it is, then "equality" is unable to exist or manifest itself.
"The 'sameness approach' is used, or is popular because it is a simple, easy, non-thinking black and white formula that 'feels good'--is 'safe', and (supposedly) non-judgmental."
Johann writes:
"At any rate, equality is about equal opportunity to become through decision and subsequently to overcome our own limitations."
JJ: Excellent thoughts from all. I'll just add this.
The principle of equality deals with spirit and the formless. The Snowflake Principle applies to form.
If we look at the surface of others we will see only differences, but if we focus on the soul of others we will see equality. This is why carnal man always sees differences and finds much to dislike and fight in others. The spiritual person will look within and see another life like himself, a reflection of God, with all the possibilities that he himself has.
DK made a statement that has caused me much reflection and directs us toward equality. He said that Christ had great power because he looked within each individual and saw perfection, or a son of God like himself. He would then speak to that equal partner and the power to become whole was manifest.
Where others saw the sick in a wretched unequal situation he saw Sons of God equal to himself.
Perhaps this is why he said "your faith has made you whole." He did not say "I have made you whole."
We'll finish off the 60 Principles with an unusual one:
Principle 60: Divine Carelessness
As I told you earlier this principle is special to me for this was the subject I spoke upon the night my wife and I fell in love.
Question: Isn't carelessness, or apparent carelessness, always a bad thing? Shouldn't we always proceed with calculation - knowing we are taking the direction of our best interests? Can carelessness really be divine in some cases?
Global Warming Enlightenment:
Svante Arrhenius, the father of the greenhouse effect, would be called a heretic today. Far from issuing the sort of dire predictions about climate change which are common nowadays, the Swedish physicist dared to predict a paradise on earth for humans when he announced, in April 1896, that temperatures were rising -- and that it would be a blessing for all.
Arrhenius, who later won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, calculated that the release of carbon dioxide -- or carbonic acid as it was then known -- through burning coal, oil and natural gas would lead to a significant rise in temperatures worldwide. But, he argued, "by the influence of the increasing percentage of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, we may hope to enjoy ages with more equable and better climates," potentially making poor harvests and famine a thing of the past.
Arrhenius was merely expressing a view that was firmly entrenched in the collective consciousness of the day: warm times are good times; cold times are bad.
"Not the End of the World as We Know It" by Olaf Stampf May 07, 2007
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