2007-4-24 07:03:00
Thanks for your ideas, Dan and John, concerning a concordance of Greek and Hebrew words that I use.
Here's what I suggest with which perhaps both of you may agree.
What is needed, not only for this group, but for all those who want to understand the Bible is an exposition of some of the difficult Greek and Hebrew words from the Bible that often get mistranslated. It could have a title something like:
"100 Greek and Hebrew Words Essential to Understanding the Bible."
Then the person could examine the word, its origins and how it is translated in the various parts of the Bible. Finally he could explain how a correct translation could shed light on various Bible passages.
The person doing the project could quote me where applicable or he could add his own thoughts as seems appropriate.
This is just my two cents. I always encourage initiation so both of you are free to work together, separately or not at all.
I enjoyed the post by SH. You had some good ideas there. Among them you said:
I wonder what role the Lazarus Principle might play in the molecular relationship. Maybe it plays a role in empowering the molecule, Or maybe when we send our united energy and faith to the higher life whose primitive proto-form is the molecule, we are the Martha.
This is the type of thing you start seeing when you look at the principles involved.
The interplay of male-female energies has a lot to do with making the Molecular Relationship work. Now the Lazarus Principle is a special aspect of that interplay which produces a faith that has great power. When this living faith is manifest by the various receivers to their senders then the Molecule will take upon itself magical properties.
Then you make another interesting observation:
Just as a woman deeply believing in her man is spiritually empowering beyond what makes any logical sense, so too her disbelieving in her man is like Superman putting on kryptonite underwear.
Here we have an example of the "opposition in all things" principle. Indeed, our partner of opposing polarity in life can inspire us to great heights or take us down to the greatest depths. We control the situation through our power of choice. It is important to gain the power of discernment and to use the mind as well as the heart in selecting a partner who will add to the relationship year after year.
The day will come for all of us when each seeker will have a partner who stimulates his dreams so do not give up. If you are having difficulty now, look upon it as if you are in training at a school. We must go through some strenuous exercises until the day comes that we are strong enough to sail the relationship boat with smoothness.
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
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