2007-4-23 06:33:00
I'd like to see a little more comment on my questions of harmony through conflict. Meanwhile here are some quotes from the archives on the subject.
Quotes on harmony through conflict:
"Harmony Through Conflict"
There is a principle associated with the Fourth Ray called Harmony through Conflict. When this concept is understood it will be seen that certain types of conflict, as we have had here for instance, are a good thing.
"Discovering Suppression"
When you pick up or calculate that a new storm is brewing the best thing to do is to get the small storm moving before the big storm happens. If you keep letting some air out of the tire it will never blow up. In this case, the energy of harmony through conflict is a good path and it is advisable to forcefully draw the hurt out of the person. If you sense there is hurt and he or she says, no everything is fine, and then presses the issue. If the suppresser still denies then repeat the offense.
"May 5th and Comments"
What I see from this configuration is a strong harmony through conflict situation in relation to coming changes of the new age. Those working on the side of light will become more united, empowered and committed than ever before, but those on the side of darkness and the status quo will heighten their resistance to the coming changes that herald the new age. This energy should stimulate the surfacing of conflicts on some level that will bring old and new age ideas into high visibility. If those working in the light play their part, the resistance will be futile and the new ideas will prevail.
"Earned Authority"
You are right indeed about harmony through conflict. I find it interesting that some think I was complaining about the latest conflict and was not. In fact I enjoy a certain amount of challenges to my posts. It keeps life interesting and aids me in clarifying some of the teachings.
"The Group Soul"
We will never know whether or not any group can achieve soul contact together until controversial issues are examined. We will not understand the principle of harmony through conflict if there is no conflict with the end purpose of harmony.
"Preparations For Christ"
Note the name of the Fourth Ray - the Ray of Harmony through Conflict. Another name for this Ray is Peace through War, but it was not called such for us because many have a warped definition of what peace is. Peace is not the sleep of death. Nor is it the absence of struggle. Nor is it forced silence. Nor is it lack of freedom to move or to speak.
True peace involves harmony.
True peace on earth will come when there is harmony between the differing nations, groups and peoples. Just because a tyrant has no rebellion in his kingdom does not mean that he has achieved peace. Underneath there is tremendous disharmony as the people yearn for freedom.
Harmony, which is an ingredient of true peace, can only be achieved in an atmosphere of true freedom.
If we say we have peace on the earth when there are tyrants persecuting and suppressing their people - where there are no free elections, where one cannot stand on a street corner and disagree with the leader of the country, then the people are in the sleep of death and have no chance for harmonic peace.
"Master Dialog"
A certain amount of group conflict is desirable and inevitable being that I have a fourth ray mind. I am not alone in this fourth ray influence here. This conflict can cause members of the group to look in directions to which they were previously blind and lead some to harmony through conflict.
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