Harmony Through Conflict

2007-4-22 07:24:00

I never did welcome John C back. Welcome.

Thanks to Bryan for finding the interesting interview with actress Salma Hayek - one of my favorite actresses. It is at:


I was surprised when I read her words:

"I'm reading four books at the same time. Many of them are for film projects but there is also one that America (Ferrera) gave me:  "The Immortal" by JJ Dewey."

Now what is interesting is that the person who gave her The Immortal was America Ferrera. She is the actress who plays Ugly Betty on the popular TV series.

This really makes me wonder how many others in Hollywood have had the book passed on to them.

So far I have received two inquires from Hollywood about film rights, but have not received a bite yet. Sooner or later something will happen.

The next principle is an interesting one. It has the paradoxical name of "Harmony Through Conflict."

Use this phrase for a seed thought and see what light comes. Ask yourself these questions.

  1. What is the difference between harmony achieved through conflict and living in apparent peace where no conflict was involved?
  2. Can you have true harmony with no conflict?
  3. Can conflict backfire and produce more conflict and no harmony? How is this prevented?
  4. What is the difference between peace and harmony?

O Lord, help me to be pure, but not yet.
Saint Augustine