2007-4-15 06:47:00
It is said that nature abhors a vacuum. This not only applies to matter rushing to fill empty space but it also applies to a vacuum created by a seeker.
Contemplate this. The seeker is often filling his mind with facts, knowledge, images, thoughts, etc. What happens when he stops, stands still and empties himself of all these things? Think about how a vacuum on planes above the physical can assist with revelation and post your thoughts.
The first key to understanding this principle is that a vacuum can be created in the non physical worlds and that the effect is similar to what happens in a physical vacuum.
To see or hear a vacuum at work just open a can or bottle of soda. You'll instantly hear a rush of air going into the container. This is caused by a partial vacuum created when the soda was bottled. The air was taken out at bottling so the liquid would be exposed to as little oxygen as possible to preserve its freshness. Then, when you pull off the top, the air rushes in to fill up the vacuum.
Now let us apply this to other levels. The seeker wants to know the answers to his questions so he finds all the information that he can and fills his mind with hundreds or thousands of details and facts. Pretty soon he has so many pieces of information in his mind he becomes more confused than he was before. Some of the data conflicts with other parts and information brings up questions he never had before. To solve the dilemma he studies all the more but he seems to have reached a state of saturation and nothing seems to help.
Finally, he gives up and moves on. He fully takes his mind off his pursuit and relaxes for a while. Then after a period of time something magical happens. He is driving down the highway singing a Beatles tune when out of the blue a piece of information from the past comes into his mind. It is not books of data as he previously surrounded himself in but maybe just a single sentence from a million pieces of data. He thinks it strange that a phrase from his past comes back to him on a subject he has put aside, but he finds it interesting and contemplates it. Then an intuitive flash comes before his consciousness and he sees a principle that he has not seen before and understands the knowledge in a light he has not seen before.
Then a few days later the same thing happens again and additional intelligence is distilled upon his being.
Later, this happens a third time. This time he thinks it odd that when he was burning the midnight oil in study nothing much came to him but now he is not even trying he is advancing in understanding as never before.
This is the vacuum principle at work. When the seeker pushes away all the data from his mind he creates a vacuum that seeks to be filled. The vacuum send out magnetic forces that draw the solutions he is looking for.
As mentioned in earlier posts other great minds used this principle. This is why many great thinkers are called absent-minded. When Einstein went for a walk he was often so absent in normal thinking that he would come back to reality and not know where he was and had difficulty in finding his way home at times. But on the positive side it was during these periods of absent-mindedness that his greatest inspiration came.
I have found this principle to apply in my own life. I have often searched for answers and the answers never seemed to come. Then I may be driving down the road thinking of absolutely nothing and a flash of inspiration comes. It was as if thinking of nothing opened a door for higher thoughts to come in.
Now the question arises. Will the vacuum principle always bring in good stuff or can it bring forth the negative?
The answer is that either one can be drawn. It depends on where your attention and the intentions of the heart lie. If your attention is directed upward to the spiritual and the desires of your heart are pure then a vacuum will pull into your mind that which is spiritual and good.
If your attention is on selfishness and the material worlds then you will pull into your mind knowledge on how to satisfy the lower self.
Lately I have been ending with some information dispelling myths about global warming, but today I am going to mention something that could be a much greater threat than CO2 will ever be.
Our bees are disappearing and dying out. If the bees of the earth die then a good portion of the earth will starve to death. They have come up with a possible explanation. Amazingly it is our cell phones. The theory is that cell phone signals interfere with the navigational signals the bees use and they get lost and die.
You can read more about the problem at:
"If the bees disappeared, man would have only four years of life left".
-- Albert Einstein
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