2007-4-9 07:01:00
There is hope for the world yet my friends. Progress is being made for the cause of truth in two areas where there has been much obfuscation in the past.
As you know, over 5 years ago I wrote a series about the drastic mistake we have made in abandoning nuclear energy because of delusion presented by various mislead activists.
Now for the first time in my memory a major network has done a positive piece on the subject. The silver lining in the cloud about the hype over global warming is that it makes the nuclear option more attractive. I'm sure this is an unintended consequence the extreme environmentalists never planned on.
If you missed 60 Minutes the transcript of the piece can be found at:
One thing I liked on the site was a post made by a former nuclear engineer. Here it is:
I was a nuclear engineer for 20 years (1965-1985) and did all aspects of design, safety calculations and construction. Unfortunately, it was programs like 60 Minutes that lead to the demise of the industry. I moved on to rocket design and was involved with putting up most of the interplanetary probes. If you are a good engineer, it is easy to do the calculation which shows that nuclear power is the only realistic answer to this nations energy problems. With the dire predictions of global warming and the short time frames predicted to reach the tipping point, nuclear is the only energy solution that can be implemented. At 65, I won't be around to see the devastation of not going to a nuclear power base .... but my grandchildren will. In the 1960-70 timeframe, schools had reactors on campus and taught the details of nuclear energy. Most of them have been removed and the technical base of engineers has mostly retired. In the above time frame, there were 5 US companies that built nuclear power plants and now there is only 1 (GE). Westinghouse nuclear division was sold to a foreign company. We have had 30 years of safe nuclear power in this country. I believe that 60 minutes owes a debt to this nation for being partly responsible for the current power situation. How about 7-8 more pro nuclear 60 minute pieces to offset the 30 years of damage. End Quote
The second thing that is positive is that people are waking up to the delusion around the man-made global warming hype. It seems like after the Oscars and Gore's winning best documentary that many thinking people are waking up and are trying to get the truth out. First we had the BBC movie that is widely viewed on the internet. Then we have had a number of climate experts on Coast to Coast radio presenting the skeptics view. George Noory has tried to get pro global warming experts on but they do not seem to want to be questioned.
Amazingly, Newsweek is doing an anti establishment piece on Global warming. This is the first major media piece I have seen fairly presenting the other point of view.
You can find the story at:
I think some of the major media players are starting to wake up to the fact that being anti nuclear and pro establishment global warming may hurt them in the end. It may be dawning on them that in few years from now they may look like Ludites or the Flat Earth Society if they do not get it right.
The sad thing about this whole affair is that these two issues have been dividing people on party lines. People need to realize that the truth about nuclear energy and global warming does not belong to either conservatives or liberals but all should want to know the truth regardless of political persuasion.
Copyright © 2007 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved