2007-4-8 06:30:00
Johann writes:
But are rising landmasses going to happen suddenly or gradually when they do happen or depends that somewhat of the free will of humanity or is that a set decision according to the laws of form that govern nature and the indwelling entity that is in the earth has to follow or is that in the hands of the AoD and it's Rods?
I'm glad to see you are listening to the podcasts.
In the past the landmasses have usually risen or sank gradually giving the inhabitants time to relocate. Even so, many of them did not take heed and sank with their country as in the case of most of Atlantis.
Then there have been other times that the earth changes have been very abrupt.
When the gathering takes place it will catch the attention of the consciousness of the planet itself and she will seek to nourish it and protect it as a mother does the baby in the womb. If the gathered lights are not threatened with extinction then the earth changes could take place over a hundred years or so with slower changes following. On the other hand, if the gathered lights are mortally threatened by their enemies then abrupt changes could take place. An abrupt change would accomplish two things.
And why do we never get a visitation from our past selves before this universe began?
Our memory is only capable of going back to the lives of the current extension of our monad. This encompasses only a small cycle of many cycles within this current universe. To regress beyond a few million years one must ascend in consciousness to identify with the monad. The monad provides a door to the more distant past within this universe which is many billions of years old. Only an advanced master cold open this door.
I do not want to get into time and space as it is too vast of a subject at present.
The Question:
What is experience and what is its purpose? Is anything more real than experience?
Actually, experience is the only thing vaguely understood by the human mind that is real. There may be things above our understanding that are real, but experience is the only thing to which we can relate which we can say is real.
All matter is composed of empty space and all form changes. Our lives are like a very structured dream and our dreams lack structure, but they both accomplish the same thing. They give us experience. It matters not that the experience is created by a mental daydream while awake, a sleeping dream or a life incarnate. Experience is experience and it is the one thing in our journey which is real.
If a dream is not real in the world of experience then neither is this life. This thought is worth of contemplation.
The principle behind experience is this:
It is the life force interplaying with form, motion and intelligence.
The quality of experience is determined by the intelligence that is behind the forms in motion.
Principle 52: Revelation
What is revelation and what are its three sources? How does one go about receiving a revelation?
Global Warming Enlightenment:
But the central curiosity in the reportage of the University of Florida research is how it identifies "global warming" as a threat to world food production without mentioning what ostensibly causes the world to warm: a higher atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. This is all the more curious because tons of peer-reviewed research performed by IFAS scientists mentioned in the press release finds that rice grown under conditions of higher CO2 shows large increases in photosynthetic rate, water-use efficiency, and a decreased rate of evapotranspiration. The conclusion? "Rice grown in the next century may use less water, use water more efficiently, and be able to tolerate drought better under some circumstances."
"Meltdown" by Patrick J. Michaels, Page 173
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