2007-3-22 07:16:00
Bryan writes:
Hmmm, so are we to assume that as long as someone or some group is 'practicing what they are preaching,' that whatever they are 'practicing and preaching' is to be accepted?
No. I do not know anyone who believes this.
While I know this isn't what you meant or mean--still, from what you've said this line of reasoning might lead some to a conclusion which is equally 'black and white' (extreme, harmful, etc.) as the conclusions that some of 'the elite' have come to (on both sides).
Bryan quoting me:
Probably about a third of those on the right seem to have the attitude that only that which they can afford should determine how much energy they use.
Again, what then are the attitudes towards energy consumption, etc., of the other two-thirds (who are the larger number) think, feel and believe?
All over the map.
--that we should drill and drill and drill for more oil, line their pockets with all the 'profits' they can (thru lobbying, legislation, etc); or take control over those nations who have enough oil reserves to support 'our habit?'
If businesses didn't line their pockets with some profit then civilization would come to a standstill. As I pointed out earlier big oil isn't lining their pockets nearly as much as big medical. We can't expect any business to not have self interest. One is not much more guilty than another in this age. I certainly try to make a profit in my business.
Why isn't it that you are willing or able to assign and/or make a determination of the 'fraction' of those 'on the left' who are like the third 'on the left?'
Who says I'm not willing??? I am happy to if it fills a purpose. Probably about five percent of the left are completely unconcerned about how much energy they burn. A lot of others are concerned in attitude, but not in action.
Specifically, what 'restrictive laws' are you concerned about affecting what parts of your life?
Laws that would restrict energy use to the extent that our economy could go into a depression - long gas lines, rationing, jail for rebels, etc. The possibilities are endless.
Also, I believe that there are just as many hypocrites outside the arena of 'religious zealots', and believe that 'zealots' have just as much power to impact all of our lives with restrictive laws as do other hypocrites. I personally do not (or would not) dismiss or underestimate them.
I don't see any restriction being suggested by them that will affect my life, but the left is coming up with hundreds of ideas. The power of religious zealots is pretty much restricted to their flock, of which I am not a part.
I believe that this is what comes to our minds as we are not aware (have the knowledge, accessibility, ability, etc.) or having or coming up with specific ways to address these things--so we fall back into/onto a 'money will fix it default position.'
Whose fault is that? I personally place a greater share of the blame or responsibility on our 'leaders' than I do on 'the common man.'
There's plenty of blame to go around.
Further, I happen to believe that it IS money that will fix 'it' (whatever 'it' might be).
How so? By 'voting' with our dollars--or spending or not spending our 'personal dollars' on things we do not think are worthwhile, right, etc. We also can 'vote' with other things--like changing the channel on the tube, etc., but since we do more 'spending' than anything else, then I believe that 'voting with dollars' is the most powerful.
Even you JJ, have pointed out how our 'voting with dollars' has changed such things as the 'food industry'--creating a demand for better quality foods, and even the acceptance of alternative medicines--why not 'energy conservation', 'education' or any other issue?
True, voting with our dollars helps. Change is slow though unless something wakes people up.
I hope to be an agent that will stimulate some change in the near future.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
John Edwards, a strong advocate of laws to restrict energy use, owns a 28,000 square foot mansion. When asked what his power bill was he said 'a couple hundred a month.'
Yeah, right.
Copyright © 2007 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved