2007-3-5 01:24:00
Dean writes:
I was not talking about biting off more than we can chew for our progression. You have responded off track with this aspect of your response.
The trouble with arguing with you is that you are a moving target. You were insinuating we were following a dark path because we were seeking to follow (learn from) the Masters or the Christ rather than even higher beings. That seems to be advocating biting off more than we can chew. If this is not what you were advocating then you were either deceptive or very unclear when writing.
Dean quoting me:
If you climb a 20-step ladder and attempt to climb more than one step at a time you are likely to fall off and hurt yourself.
Dean writes:
This has nothing to do with steps. Or what a step is.
Who you learn from has everything to do with steps. You should learn from someone who can assist you in your next step.
I was saying that you suggested in your quote if one is promoting diminished freedom that they are deceived into promoting the dark ones until they find the truth, thinking they are serving the light. My question about this was clear. Read it again if you do not understand it or missed something.
I understood your question and answered it. The answer had everything to do with steps. Why that was not clear to you is your problem.
I am not talking about being on the top step. You are completely out of tune with what you assume my perception is.
This is then because you are very unclear in what you communicate.
The law of correspondence is at odds with your quote. Hence I was seeking clarification about what you said.
The Law of Correspondences is in perfect harmony with what I said and I think this is clear to everyone but you. If not I hope someone else will seek clarification.
Here is what I have said on this:
I have explained this many times. That which is darkness interferes with the seeker taking his next step. That which is in harmony with the Brotherhood of Light helps us move forward in taking our next step forward toward greater freedom, light and understanding.
I have no desire to skip any hard work.
You've sure given me the impression you want an easy path from about a hundred statements you have made.
Why do you think I go to great lengths to debate with you?
You like irritating people.
To get to the bottom of things.
Then why do you never get to the bottom of anything?
Something which you call a distraction. It's not very wise to make judgments about others attitudes and also the position they are on in the path to 'discipleship', as if it was not a reflection of their own mirror.
No one is making any judgment about anyone's position on the path. If you want to argue please argue about what has been said.
That is why I strive from this point to talk about the material discussed and not the other person. I hope we have cleared this up. If not, so be it.
This is a pleasant change then. You have been so centered on me as a person you have even started a forum to discuss me.
Hopefully, with this new attitude, you will also stop calling me names as in letters and posts that have not made it to the list.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
According to statistics during the Bush administration major greenhouse emissions from smokestacks were reduced 9 percent and greenhouse gasses were reduced 0.5 percent
Knight-Ridder, Oct 13, 2004
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