2007-3-4 19:38:00
Dean wrote:
This is your [JJ] quote I was referring to in that question.
"The sad fact is that many who see themselves as representing Light are deceived into accepting and even promoting diminished freedom and thus become unwilling servants for the Dark Ones, until the truth makes them free."
JJ replied:
The problem is that this is a quote from Ruth, not me.
Dan wrote:
Not that it changes anything but just to clarify...
Actually it appears that Dean quoted Ruth who was quoting JJ from the last paragraph of article number 1152 which can be found in the archives here: http://freeread.com/archives/1152.php
Thanks for the correction Dan. I knew I didn't make the statement recently, but didn't realize, when I read Dean's letter, that Ruth was quoting me.
You are right, it doesn't change anything.
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