2007-2-26 05:12:00
Looks like I scored 100 percent in my predictions at the Oscars.
On January 9 I pulled up a list of popular movies for 2006, sifted through them and made these picks.
These were given out even before the nominations were announced.
Then a short time later I realized Forest Whittaker gave his performance in 2006 and replaced DiCaprio with him. Then Sunday morning I stated that Al Gore would win Best Documentary and receive a standing ovation. Gore not only won best documentary, but then received a standing ovation.
The results:
100 percent accuracy, better than any psychic I know of and I didn't even use psychism. I've just studied these people and know how they think. I haven't even seen any of the winning movies and didn't make the predictions based on my own opinion of what makes a good movie or acting. I know how the Beast of authority thinks and this makes him predictable.
Global Warming Enlightenment: The warming activists claim that increased meltwater due to higher temperatures could overwhelm the Great Atlantic Conveyor, the huge ocean current that distributes heat from the equator to the poles. The Gulf Stream would then shut down, and we would all be covered in ice before you can say "carbon dioxide." It happened once before - but then the world had trillions of additional tons of ice in Canadian and Siberian ice sheets for the warming to melt. The climate models - surprise! - tell us that it won't happen during the Modern Warming, because the Earth doesn't have enough ice left.
Unstoppable Global Warming, Every 1,500 Years
By S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery, Page 17
Copyright © 2007 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved