2007-2-16 04:43:00
First let me compliment Woody for one of his best posts. His comments on the Dweller are worthy of contemplation. That said, I will make a few more comments on Dan's questions.
It sounds like you may have had some type of experience with the Dweller. The feeling that you may be destroyed body and soul is a clue that you had a real experience. Some people will claim to feel that way over a much lesser encounter but because I know you I know that you experienced something significant.
You say:
The teenage event was basically an extreme case of night terrors that basically I resolved by consciously creating/calling a dream "savior" (I realized I was dreaming and should be able to direct events) to overcome the 'monster' at the last moment before destruction.
The creation of a dream savior could have provided a partial vehicle to allow your solar angel to assist you. This was a wise move on your part.
Whether or not you have completed the third initiation I will not judge but it sounds like you may be working on it.
If the fourth initiation is not passed in the same life as the third then the initiate will encounter the dweller again. I said that there was a point that he was destroyed, but it may be more appropriate to say neutralized because he has little or no energy on which to feed. He then has no astral body in which to dwell and his essence goes back to its source. This neutralization comes at the fourth initiation when the disciple completely dedicates all he has to higher will and sacrifices the most cherished desires of the lower self.
Dean asks for the story behind the picture on the home page of the Keys.
Sometime after we established the Keys list I had an idea for the cover of Books I & II of the Immortal. I told Rick and several others about it and sent them some old artwork from a 45-year-old comic book. This supplied the art of the couple looking out the window and I gave a rough idea of how the finished copy should look. I needed new artwork built around this idea, but no one in the group was good at drawing people so the best we got was a composite of the old comic cover with a drawing of the New Jerusalem.
I'm not sure if it was Rick or someone else that made the composite and placed it on the Keys, but it's the best thing we have to go with so far.
As far as the symbology goes there is no deep meaning to it. It was just an idea for a book cover that was meant to capture the interest of the potential reader. The two people at the window represent Joe and Elizabeth. The man walking in the air is John and the image in the sky is the New Jerusalem. The picture does not represent any exact happening in the book but represents the flavor of the book.
Global Warming Enlightenment: This (IPCC 4th Report) is a political document, not a scientific report, and it is a shining example of the corruption of science for political gain, Inhofe said on Friday (Feb 2, 07), "The media has failed to report that the IPCC Summary for Policymakers was not approved by scientists but by U.N. political delegates and bureaucrats," he (Sen. James Inhofe) added, noting that the IPCC will release the actual scientific report until May 2007.
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