2007-2-12 05:41:00
Dan writes:
"If I am correctly interpreting/understanding the archive info I have quoted below;
"Solar Angels reflect themselves (reproduce) by choosing an original reflected point of god (seed) (monad) and nurturing it.
"At a particular point in spiritual evolution, one is confronted by his Dweller on the Threshold at which time he either a) destroys it using attrition over a period of time then meets his Angel, b) overcomes it quickly without destroying it by immediately "turning to" his Angel or c) succumbs to the dweller.
"In the case of: a) his destroyed dweller will eventually reincarnate as someone else's dweller. b) his overcome, but not destroyed, dweller eventually returns to confront him again."
So far so good. Generally the Dweller will return to the disciple until he is completely eliminated. After this his dispersed parts could gather to disturb another seeker but the entity would be quite different.
Dan continues:
"Every Solar Angel was once human.
"In every confrontation the dweller receives some light from the Angel to eventually accumulate enough to "be transmuted into more advanced consciousness and form."
"Every human was once another human's dweller."
Parts of what we are were once ingredients in past Dwellers. A Dweller does not have a human monad, but the human monad accumulates many parts before it finally expresses itself on the physical plane. The Dweller composes part of the vehicle of our lower nature.
"If one balances his karma in the 3 worlds of form, he will not HAVE to eventually nurture his own dweller but may choose to do so.
"Assuming the above is at all close (please correct if not) I have a few questions;
"It seems like, assuming one had a choice, that it may be better to extend the dweller confrontation out over a period of time and thus DESTROY it for good using the principle of attrition than it would be to simply OVERCOME it quickly by turning immediately to the Angel only to eventually have to face the dweller all over again? Will the seeker have mini confrontations with the dweller prior to the final blowout at the third initiation?"
Yes, the seeker will have many mini encounters until he is eventually forced to confront him head on -- or shall we say the Dweller realizes it must fight for its life and confronts the disciple head on in an attempt to discourage him.
Eventually the disciple must overcome the Dweller without the help of his Master.
"Ones point of evolution (initiations, dweller, knowledge, skills, etc) must be re-gained/recapitulated with each successive new incarnation. So upon incarnation he would re-experience a mini- dweller again, even if it had previously been confronted and completely destroyed via attrition at the 3rd initiation. So would all these recapitulatory experiences nearly always occur prior to about age 21?"
Yes. The confrontation with the Dweller will be a major event in each life of the disciple until he [The Dweller] is completely neutralized.
The first major confrontation with the Dweller could happen at an older age but subsequent ones will usually happen before the age of 21.
"Does every reflection eventually follow a similar course of seed, dweller, human, Solar Angel or are there multiple alternative routes and destinations?"
As I said, the human monad does not become a Dweller but the ingredients of the Dweller compose part of his lower nature.
"Where does the dweller fit into the consciousness continuum, post-animal but pre-human?"
The Dweller is a life unto itself that eventually fuses with other lives as it progresses.
"Or is the dweller of the (lower) deva (or other) evolutionary chain?"
That would be a good guess.
"Is there any connection between the dweller and the true sociopathic personality type (no sense of right and, or wrong) human? If not the dweller, what is behind the sociopath?"
Identifying with and feeding the ingredients of the Dweller can create all kinds of psychological problems.
"What planes does this dweller's form inhabit or encompass, only the astral and mental? I assume it cannot take physical form?"
It only takes human form if it completely controls the creator human. Its body is lower astral matter.
"In the last quote below, Solar Angels "are beings who were under a planetary Logos in a past solar system." What is meant by "under?" In what role, capacity, form or office?"
Like we are under the stewardship of Christ and the Ancient of Days, so were the Solar Angels under a similar Hierarchy in ages past.
"What is the relationship between the Solar Angels and the higher crystalline life-form that is to incarnate into the human molecule? Where does each of these (SA and crystal) fit in the consciousness continuum?"
The Solar Angels are in a Molecular Order of their own. Even though they are many they operate with such unity, and as one life, that the Masters often just call them "the soul."
The Solar Angel is a very advanced human monad, but a molecular life composed of humans or Solar Angels evolves from a different type of monad. Various seed monads are as different as a grain of wheat is from an acorn. They both grow into differing life forms.
Global Warming Enlightenment
A dispute erupted this week in Oregon, where Gov. Ted Kulongoski is considering firing the state's climatologist George Taylor, who has said human activity isn't the chief cause of global climate change. That view is not in line with the state policy of Oregon to reduce "greenhouse gases," which are considered by many researchers to be the chief cause of global warming.
(CNS News, Feb 8, 2007)
( http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp?Page=/Culture/archive/200702/CUL20070208c.html )
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