2007-2-9 05:47:00
JA writes:
JJ:How can you accurately judge the amount of pain endured by another and then I do not mean subjectively? I notice that you use the word already; is that relative to age?
I let people judge themselves. My point was that I have not met anyone who has gone through what I have in the way of pain on various levels or even said they have. When someone has the same experience that you do then they can communicate it to you and there is an understanding. Keep in mind that physical pain is just one of the discomforts we can endure. Pain can also be experienced in the emotional and mental bodies and can be more intense than the physical.
Many people have different ideas of what is very painful. Some think of a limitation, a physical pain, a disease, a lost love and other common experiences are in their case painful above all, but there are other levels that make these seem like child's play.
It was through painful experience that I learned the principle that pain is created by resistance to soul direction. In some lives that soul direction is fairly easy and painless and in others it is very difficult and the natural instinct is to resist. Sometimes that resistance is not realized in the consciousness because it is pre-formed through a mindset.
Since I have learned certain lessons in this cycle I am joyously pain free and immersed in blissful living. Right now I am struggling in other areas and hopefully I can continue with fun struggles the rest of my life.
In all my writings I have said little about painful experiences for several reasons. First, most people would rather hear something positive and rarely does it do much good to dwell on past pain.
Secondly, everyone has had painful experiences and many think their life has been one of the most difficult on record - if others only knew. One painful story brings out others and pretty soon the atmosphere becomes almost depressing.
When pain is replaced by peace the disciple needs to learn to look at the past with amusement and accept the fact that it is actually possible to enjoy everlasting peace and happiness. He needs to enjoy it while it is available for new painful learning experiences on various levels will come in the future.
When we have learned all the lessons that pain has to offer then we will move on to other planes of living where advancement is attained by other means.
More Global Warming Enlightenment: Since the Earth exited the last "major" ice age about 11,500 years ago, our planet has experienced a series of warming and cooling cycles. Despite "global warming," we are approximately 2-3 degrees cooler than about 6,000 years ago.
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