2007-2-8 05:28:00
Dean seems to be a little confused as to how soul contact is defined in the Ancient Wisdom as well as on this list. Soul energy is that point where spirit and matter meet and Joshua is right in saying it is all pervasive, but there are many things which co-exist with us that are not contacted by our consciousness.
The average person has two contacts with his consciousness. These two are the physical and the astral or emotional plane. The advanced person has a third contact, which is with mental matter from the plane of the mind.
Does this mean that mental matter does not exist for the emotional person? No, he is surrounded by it, but just has no conscious contact with it. It's a little like a person with no sense of smell being surrounded by the odor of flowers, but it does him little good because he cannot perceive the fragrance.
Then as one approaches discipleship he perceives higher mind and then the buddhic plane. As his consciousness perceives this point between form and formlessness he then contacts the soul energy and opens the door to receive from others who have also made that contact and above. This includes, of course, his solar angel.
Dean writes:
JJ:All is good when you have YOUR life and certain things to make it bearable for you. It's easier to ignore it for a moment. But one day, those things aren't always going to be there. One day you will be as powerless, and in as much pain as anyone you have ever known.
I've already endured more pain than anyone I have known and also have had many limitations to overcome. That's why I am able to access peace no matter what goes on around me. I have my limitations, of course, but it would take a very grave situation to distract me.
The suffering I have endured has been a great teacher and has taught me the principle of attrition (as taught in Book 3) and the principle of being the observer.
Since I am pain free on all planes at the moment I try to keep up on my practice by not taking anesthetic at the dentist, even when I have something like a root canal.
JJ:You will face pain and insecurity greater than anyone you have known. Then when you actually feel that stress on you, you won't be able to ignore it anymore and pretend you know how to deal with it. Then you will have to face the problem for real.
There is no pretence. I know how to deal with extreme circumstances. Obviously you are bent on proving me to be a false teacher, but you must deal with the truth here - not wild imaginary accusations.
Please do not make further accusations unless you can back up what you say. I think the patience of some is wearing thin with you again.
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
Walter Bagehot (1826 - 1877)
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