2007-1-23 04:52:00
JJ: One may ask who would be the Jezebel in this age that the seeker could encounter and what's so bad about eating something that has been sacrificed to idols or false Gods?
To answer this let us examine the situation of the seeker at this stage. He has contacted the inner voice of Christ and tested it over a period of time. He has gained great trust in it, but his attention wanders now and then and is distracted by other voices. Even so, he has gained a vision of a part he may play in the plan and is determined to serve unselfishly with love and do what is necessary to get things done.
The bottom line is he is a sincere server and seeker, but not completely focused on the inner light. In this situation he meets the prophetess Jezebel. Who is this?
It is a person who seduces seekers "to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols." In other words, this false teacher catches the attention of many seekers and takes their focus off the true God within (fornication) and causes them to digest spiritual teachings from a god without (eating things sacrificed unto idols.)
The Jezebel here does not belong to an orthodox religion for the seeker at this stage has normally left orthodoxy and is working to bring greater light verified by the inner voice. This greater light is usually condemned by orthodoxy, but, in supporting teachings that run contrary to the standard model, the seeker will often find himself surrounded by some odd company.
Those who tread a path contrary to orthodoxy are not only aspiring disciples, but many others who rebel for egos sake. These fall into the following categories:
It should be obvious that such a person has not established stable inner contact because he or she does not direct students toward the inner world, but the outer. She especially directs them to listen and obey her own voice as it speaks for god in some outer form.
This is the true Jezebel the seeker will surely meet. The amazing thing about this prophetess is that she will claim to direct students to the god within. The kingdom within, the inner god, god within and Christ consciousness may be often used by her. This is why this person is so seductive. She says many of the things the true teacher will say, but in the end will take students away from reliance on the voice within and use all force at her disposal to have faith in the outer voice.
If a seeker is around such a Jezebel and speaks something from the inner voice that disagrees with her then the truth will be revealed to the wise. Here are some things that may happen:
The verse tells the seeker he has erred in "allowing" Jezebel to seduce his servants.
"Allow" is an interesting word to use here for most seekers of today do not think we have any right to prevent anyone from teaching or believing whatever they wish. This is the same trap the seeker is caught up in and is now corrected by the inner voice.
Let us clarify. The seeker has recently broken off from many outer authorities, who sought to control him and imprison his mind. After loosing himself and tasting the air of freedom he is determined to not let it happen again and above all to not be an agent in controlling others as he was unjustly controlled. He thus swings to the other extreme of the pendulum and becomes extremely tolerant of all beliefs and teachings and does not want to unduly influence anyone toward his own path.
For a period of time he lives and lets live. He finds numerous friends and students listening to many outer authorities that do not agree with his inner voice, but he tolerates this with the conclusion that they will eventually learn through trial and error. He also tolerates all the false teachers that influence them.
He continues this path of tolerance until he meets a teacher that pushes him over the line. This is his Jezebel, who teaches a doctrine so obviously wrong and harmful that the inner voice stirs and speaks "I have a few things against thee. Inaction that allows a wrong is as bad as action that causes one. You must act."
What action must the seeker take? He will not use force or illusionary fear as do the false teachers, but he will become a beacon of light and confront Jezebel and her students and contrast the truth from within with the false doctrine from without. Only then can the little children (speaking symbolically) on the path have true freedom of choice and free themselves from Jezebel's seduction.
The great example of confrontation by a being of light was Jesus, when he confronted the false teachers in Jerusalem who were leading many on destructive paths.
Here are the next verses:
21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
Revelation 2:21-23
JJ: What do you see the fate of a modern Jezebel and her students to be, and why is it so harsh? Why is this false teacher identified as a female?
Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water.
Swedish Proverb
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