2007-1-17 00:51:00
Then if form is spirit and is to be mastered, then it stands to reason that physical matter is the cutting edge of evolution. Is the physical plane the only plane that we don't have true freewill?
JJ: Perhaps "full freewill" would be a more appropriate statement.
Freewill is ever expanding on all planes as our consciousness and abilities expand. Expanding freewill on the physical plane is the most difficult to accomplish but also the most progress is made here. Just as the weight lifter increases his strength more with heavy than with light weights so does the pilgrim expand his freewill more quickly on the physical plane, even though it may seem like he has less here, because using it is difficult.
If so, then isn't mastering matter the next logical step in gaining Freewill on this frequency/vibration or plane?
JJ: Yes, mastering matter and our relationship with it. We must gain control of our experience so it can be directed toward beneficial ends, which is the goal.
Isn't the physical world the path of most Resistance?
JJ: Yes.
Isn't the physical world the spear head of God/us becoming, evolving? If so, why would I want pull back before I've completely mastered matter and gained true Freewill here?
JJ: You can't pull back nor would you want to avoid the growth you will gain here.
That would be kind of like going home after dropping out of college:) Maybe bringing soul awareness and control into the lower vibrations is just a step in what needs to be done here.
JJ: Agreed.
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