1999-5-20 16:52:00
I want Chris to know that we encourage him to participate in this list, and if you do find something of interest, even if it is off topic, it is usually much more interesting if you use your own words. For instance, I notice these Why postings are showing up other places posted by different individuals as if some promoter is giving commands to post these things everywhere.
Now, if one of our readers were to post something I wrote on black holes in the Course in Miracles forum, this would be seen as an odd thing and I would discourage it. I encourage Keysters to post something about the Immortal on other lists, if it fits in with the subject matter.
Even so, it is obvious that Chris finds these writings of value, and we are always looking for greater light here, so my invitation to Chris is this: Tell us in your own words something of value you have learned from these writings and how they have benefited you. Try and be specific.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved