2007-1-4 05:38:00
My Friends,
I think it is time to give out an assignment that will get our juices going again and maybe draw in a few interesting posts.
Pat Robertson, of all people, gave me the idea I am presenting. It has been in the news the past couple days that he has recently spoken with God and has given out several predictions for the year. For one thing he predicts a worse terrorist attack than 911 in September of this year.
Apparently he has been making predictions for several years now and his accuracy rate is not that good. For instance, he predicted a Tsunami would strike the East Coast in 2006.
Most of you know my teachings on predictions - that it is impossible even for the Masters to predict all the details to come accurately. However, trends can be seen and cycles repeat and this gives us many clues.
Let us try our hand at predicting and see if we can do better than Pat Robertson. Here's what I want you to do. Contemplate what may happen the next year and write down three to six things that come to you. Then post them to the group. Don't worry about being wrong - no one expects anyone to be an infallible prophet.
We will review the predictions a year from now and the person who is most accurate will be given a prize of some kind.
Good Luck.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay
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