2006-12-22 05:33:00
I've decided to post on a different, somewhat lighter subject than normal. It may seem like a subject for the National Enquirer, but there is still subtle philosophy involved, so keep your mental hats on.
Today I am going to comment on the Trump and Rosie insults and interchange.
Time and time again I have seen Rosie O'Donnel insult people, distort facts, shout over guests and maintain the center of attention with impunity, etc. Finally she has gone too far and picked on the wrong guy.
That guy was Donald Trump. On 'The View' she insinuated he was a hypocrite for claiming any moral authority and called him a "snake oil salesman." Then she proclaimed that he had been bankrupt three times.
In the past her targets have just shrugged off her attacks, rolled over and played Mr. Nice Guy, but she finally picked on someone who fights back. I think the bankrupt accusation really got to him because he states he has never been bankrupt even though he has had difficulties.
Instead of saying, "That's just Rosie with her brand of humor," he shot back. Here are some of the words he said:
Well Rosie is a loser. Rosie's been a loser for a long time. Her magazine failed. She got sued. She folded up like a tent. It was too bad.
Everything about Rosie, and I watch her - and actually somebody sent me a clip of what she said - Rosie is somebody out of control who really just doesn't have it. And she ought to be careful cause I'll send one of my friends to pick up her girlfriend, and I think it would be very easy.
Rosie's first show had very poor ratings, and at the end she was doing very badly because the public got tired of her, and Rosie is somebody you get tired of.
But her show did very poorly. Her magazine, I think it was called Rosie, was a total failure. Rosie is a failure.
Ultimately she will be a loser and you watch. Watch what happens to 'The View.' I will bet the ratings very shortly will start going down. People can't stand watching her. She's both unattractive inside and out. She's got some big problems.
Well you know what; I'm worth $5 billion plus - by a lot. And Rosie said Trump went bankrupt. I never went bankrupt. She'll say anything that comes to her unattractive mouth. She said I went bankrupt. I'm worth much more than $5 billion.
So she says things that come to her mouth. She's not smart. She's crude. She's ignorant, and to be honest, I look forward to suing Rosie.
Well look, Rosie is a very unattractive woman. I'm saying something. I'm not a politician so I'm not running for office so I can say it. I'm mean, Rosie is a very unattractive woman but as unattractive as she is on the outside, she's even worse on the inside, and she's very lucky to have a nice girlfriend.
I think you better hold onto your girlfriend Rosie because if you lose her, you'll never be able to get another one.
I think that The Donald is Rosie's accumulated karma coming back to bite her. She didn't look too confident the today on 'The View'.
Trump was on all the cable and talk shows all day (Thursday) with the above quotes and more. I listened to him on both Larry King and O'Reilly. It was a question from O'Reilly that caused me to make this the subject of the day. He asked Trump: "Wouldn't it have been better if you had kept the discussion on an intellectual level? Wouldn't it be better to take the high ground here?"
Trump then totally rejected this idea and basically told Bill that the intellectual level would not cut it with Rosie and he needed to fight back in a way that she could understand. I just about stood and cheered for him. At last someone was going after a negative media person on their own level in a way that they can understand.
Now some may consider this an odd attitude for me as those who have been with me through the years realize that I usually try to be courteous even when someone else is rude. They also realize that I will stand and fight when unjustly attacked, but usually do so on a mental level.
But is there a time to descend to an emotional level?
Yes. There is a time and place for all things. In Matthew 23 Jesus made a rare attack on the emotional level and then when he chased the moneychangers out of the temple he even brought an attack to the physical level.
There is a principle involved here. When responding to an attack, respond on the highest level that the person will comprehend. If the person cannot comprehend reasoning then there are times one must strongly communicate emotionally.
Rosie would have completely shrugged off any mental attack by Trump, but he fought fire with fire and attacked her on her own emotional turf.
Now she knows she has a force to deal with and will hesitate before calling anyone else a snake oil salesman.
No one really listens to anyone else, and if you try it for a while you'll see why.
Mignon McLaughlin
Copyright © 2006 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved