2006-12-21 02:04:00
Maryellen asks:
Do you think it is a disadvantage to be born with no awareness of where you came from, what you are supposed to do and how you are supposed to do it?
Can you see the advantage of keeping your consciousness high and escaping the harm of the second death and sensing your mission, your karma and your place on the path?
JJ, I hope you can give me a clue here, because it's a question that I've been asking all my life.
I came into the earth this time somewhere between the two you mention above. I was not clueless. I always KNEW that I had a purpose, a place on earth, karma, that I had lived before and that I knew things that others didn't. I knew that I knew. However, I did not know or sense where to go from there for many, many years. I did not see my mission and spent many years searching for it. So, to me I fall somewhere in between. Is there such a place in between these two realms?
To understand the answer to your question you must understand the main reason we die after a few short years upon the earth.
When you watch people age you notice that most of them settle in a routine, mindset, belief system, habits, and learn less and less the older they get.
If the average person lived a thousand years he would spend over 900 of it in the same routine, the same profession, with the same habits and would learn very little during that period. As far as actual usable progression goes for many that last 900 years would be a waste of time.
To solve this problem of inefficiency the divine plan places into effect the law of economy and pulls us away from physical life around the time we start wasting our time.
We have to then be placed in a new situation without the memory of our past habits and ability. We are forced to start with a clean slate and forced to learn if we are to function at all. We repeat this cycle for many lifetimes until we gain control of our own learning and purpose. When this happens we become "born again" without being reborn in the flesh and can learn and create new things through our own initiative and thus become an initiate. The initiate is then on the path to overcoming all things, including death.
No matter where you are on the path you must follow the highest you know with extreme honesty and sooner or later the next step will be revealed.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
Paul, 1 Corinthians 15:26
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