2006-12-17 16:52:00
Livs wrote:
JJ, are you meaning that Christ is now in the etheric physical or flesh and blood physical?
I thought both you and DK said that the Spiritual Hierarchy was centered in the physical etheric in a desert somewhere.
I would appreciate it if you would clarify this.
What I said is that Shamballa, where the Ancient of Days, representing the head center of the earth resides, is composed of etheric matter. The Ancient of Days also has a body composed of etheric matter.
The Spiritual Hierarchy of the earth, the Heart Center, that deals directly with humankind does not reside in Shamballa, but in physical bodies and, according to DK, a good portion of them live "on the borders of Tibet." Here they guard what is called the "archives of the Masters" and the Christ is acknowledged as "the teacher of angels and men."
Larry quotes me:
"Lame" is an unhelpful choice of words here.
Larry responds:
Actually I thought it was an accurate description of the argument you made to Uche. Let's repeat that again so there is no doubt as to what is being discussed:
It may be accurate in your mind but it is a word usually reserved to humiliate an enemy. I would only use this word on you if I couldn't care less if I saw you again. You never used to use such attack words in our dialogs, but we always managed to keep them on a higher level.
Your argument is "lame" for several reasons. First off it is highly ambiguous in that you do not specifically identify whom you are referring to as "the Christ" here. Is it the disciple Jesus, or The Christ - the being that Jesus called the Father and which was the being that overshadowed Jesus? Being ambiguous and unclear is lame.
I said I was referring to the Christ and that was who I meant. I said: "This being symbolized his Master, but at the time the Christ was in a physical body ministering on the earth."
I clearly identified this being I was talking about here as "the Christ." How much clearer can the word be? As a specific rule when I say "the Christ," when talking to the group, I mean the Christ and not Jesus. When I use the word Jesus in relation to New Testament times I am referring to Jesus working in association with the Christ unless otherwise noted.
Because the two entities did work together as one there is some ambiguity created, but I try to be specific in my choice of words to avoid confusion to regular readers.
The real argument is not whether higher beings can work in the physical. The real discussion is about who the entities are in this first chapter of Revelation, and whether your identification of them is accurate, or not (and whether your supporting arguments are convincing, or not). In my opinion your reply to Uche was poorly (unclearly) done and therefore not very convincing it itself. Therefore I think my characterization of that argument as "lame" was very accurate.
Here is a description of the entity in question:
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
Revelation 1:14-16
What John saw here (from my point of view) was not the man Jesus, or the entity known as the Christ, but a symbolic being created by his brain after it was filtered through his mind. Neither entity has feet like brass in a fire nor flaming eyes, nor the voice of many waters nor holds seven stars in his hand. These are symbols created through a point of revelation received by John. They were not to be taken literally but were to be interpreted. The scripture says clearly this image was "like" the son of man, or a being like Christ who has overcome death. The image was not the entity who is Christ, but a symbol of him.
The voice represented the voice of God, but the voice of God can come to us through our own souls or projected by a master or group mind. Most likely the whole vision was a synthesis of revelation from the angel who did not want to be worshipped as God or Christ because he was a brother (Revelation 19:10) and the intuition of John.
Of this DK wrote:
In the New Testament, John, the beloved disciple, was privileged to gain a cosmic picture and a true prophetic vision which he embodied in the Apocalypse, but he is the only one who so achieved and he achieved because he loved so deeply, so wisely and so inclusively. His intuition was evoked through the depth and intensity of his love-as it was in his Master, the Christ.
Glamour, Page 137
This harmonizes with my soul, which says that much of the revelation was due to the invocation of John's intuition.
One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)
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