2006-12-17 03:59:00
Larry quoting me:
A Master as high as the Christ always has a physical body available. They are capable of working in the sphere of their choice and when working with the physical inhabitants such a being will always have constant access to a physical body. This could be a body from a past life or a Mayavirupa, which is a physical body created and organized by the power of thought.
Larry responds:
JJ:Then why did the Christ need to overshadow the disciple Jesus if he had a physical body already at his disposal, or could easily create one "by the power of thought"?
And why doesn't God, or some high entity, just manifest physically in front of the United Nations and explain what is needed to bring peace on earth? Christ and other high entities have the power to do this if they so chose. Why do they not more directly work with us in an impressive way?
The answer is simple. They have learned through painful experience that it is destructive to attempt to do for us what we can do for ourselves. (recall the story of the caterpillar receiving help to free itself from its cocoon.) They broke this rule in the days of Atlantis and the world as it was known then was completely destroyed because regular humans did not learn the lessons necessary to create stability.
The karma of the world dictated that the highest entity that Christ could manifest through (to common humanity) was a disciple such as Jesus, a regular guy in many ways, but one with great aspirations of spiritual quality.
Will Christ come in a physical body of his own this time? It depends on how many disciples are prepared to receive him. This is one reason the manner of his coming is not given out. If there are not enough people prepared then he will manifest through a disciple (or disciples) as he did last time.
After the resurrection Jesus kept his own body for a period of time. We have legends in many lands of his ministries. The Christ returned to a body in his home among the Masters on the borders of Tibet. There he established the active heart center of the planet, the Spiritual Hierarchy. Today he remains in a physical body but works though high disciples and through deep mediation contacts and inspires other disciples dispersed throughout the earth.
JJ:It may be true that this being was neither the disciple Jesus, nor the Christ. Whatever the case may be, your argument is pretty lame.
"Lame" is an unhelpful choice of words here. There are many things I teach that cannot be proven with black and white facts. That does not make them lame. If it did many of Jesus' words would be lame.
If the Christ does not work through a physical body then from whence does he work?
He would not dwell in the astral world for the Masters do not work from that illusive sphere.
If his lowest point of dwelling was the mental or formless spheres then his work would be there. Because his main work is with the redemption of humanity he dwells here with us so his focus will also be with us.
To those who doubt, to those who ask is it possible, or those who do not believe, I say accomplishment of a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible.
-- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
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