2006-12-4 05:45:00
Susan Carter is to be commended in coming up with a plan to create seminars and invite numerous notable people to participate. It would take some investment to really pull it off and there is risk involved but such is the case with all things worthwhile.
SH writes:
A concept (principle?) I came across somewhere goes something like this: First you learn it, then you do it, then you teach it. JJ, is that the way things work? If so, do you follow that pattern? Do you follow all three steps, or do you skip the middle one?
This is the true order to follow in established reality. For instance, to be a good Spanish teacher you first learn the basics of the language, then apply it in speaking and finally teach it. This can be done because Spanish, as it is taught, exists within our current framework.
On the other hand, these steps cannot be taken by a visionary who has caught a glimpse of higher truth and teaches what will be.
Einstein penetrated a higher reality and saw the principle of relativity. There was no way he could demonstrate it or prove it for sure, but he taught it nevertheless. Today there is much evidence that a lot of what he taught was correct, but still all his teachings have not been demonstrated.
Edison saw to the point of firm conviction that a light bulb could be created and taught his group of scientists steps to proceed in its creation. Many of these steps failed but after 10,000 tries, they finally succeeded. Was he a hypocrite for teaching and leading the way in a direction that he did not have all the pieces to the puzzle? Verily no. He saw a vision of what could be, he knew it could be and proceeded to teach what he knew and fill in the gaps as they went.
For many thousands of years holy men and seers have taught about an age of peace where nations will turn swords into plowshares, but it has not happened yet. Does this mean they were wrong to teach that which neither they nor the world could demonstrate? No again. Even Jesus taught the principle of the resurrection before he demonstrated it as well as the triumph of good over evil, even though this has not happened even yet.
Many of the things that I teach I teach because I have followed those three steps. I have first learned and applied many of them. But there are other things I have taught, which are realities in the future, which cannot yet be demonstrated. This does not mean they are not true or that one should not yet teach them.
Examples are:
Then there are invisible realities which cannot be demonstrated to all such as:
There are many teachings which can be verified by the inner soul but cannot be demonstrated to the masses.
SH writes again:
I question something you said: "On the other hand, the head cannot live without the body, making the Master as dependent on us as we are Him."
Is the head-and-body correspondence really supposed to go that far? Other analogies do not, such as those of vine and fruit. I recall God being more than willing to kill off those who should have been his "body" in the old testament.
Actually, just as Jesus was the head in New Testament days, Moses (not God) was the head in that earlier age. As the head Moses realized that the whole body would die if all but the head were destroyed so he pleaded with God to save them.
The one God dwells in all universally and is not an individual referred to as a head of a divine creation here on the earth. Moses and Jesus as individuals were the head of two different creations here in physical reality.
Maybe we're more like their termite farm science project - interesting as a whole when we work together, but individual members are hardly objects of their attention and affection, and certainly not of high intrinsic value.
We as individuals are of some interest to the kingdom just above us but as we go higher the greater lives are only interested in us as a group. For instance, most of us could care less for a handful of dirt (three kingdoms down from us), but the whole earth is of great interest.
In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends.
John Churton Collins
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