Star Wars II

1999-5-18 10:20:00

Question: Name three things that George Lucas has initiated through Star Wars that brings us closer to the consciousness of the Age of Aquarius.

We received some great response on this, but John gets a gold star here for being especially insightful. He came up with several things I never thought of.

We live in an interesting age, an age where the disciples of the brotherhood often work unnoticed and unrecognized. Many of them such as Lucas are not fully aware of their mission. They just follow the inner voice, and, if done successfully, a great work is initiated.

Someone said they heard that Lucas was on the dark side. I would like to know the reasoning behind that. I do know that some fundamentalists see the devil under every rock, and I am sure some of them could find evil in Star Wars. Fortunately, the teachings in Star Wars have been so well blended with the thinking of the masses that it would take a fanatic to see negativity in it.

As I see it, here are the three most powerful and direct teachings from Star Wars that are altering the consciousness of humanity and preparing them for the new age:

(1) The Force. Lucas admitted in an interview that the Force is another name for God. But the Force is not a being sitting on a throne, but a universal energy that pervades all things. This prepares the minds of many to see an aspect of God in a different light, and to look for it within ourselves.

(2) The Masters/Teachers. In Star wars you have the idea of Masters presented who have superhuman abilities because they applied themselves over a long period of time. Such persons as Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi are inspiring teachers who use the power of the Force (God) toward miraculous ends.

When the minds of the race are fully prepared, we will have real masters walk among us who are as wise, powerful and old as Yoda.

(3) The Light and Dark Brotherhoods. The Jedi Knights and the teachers represent the Brotherhood of Light, and the Emperor, Darth Vader and their bunch represent the Dark Brothers. Because these two brotherhoods do exist, and are a part of our reality, it is important that we know about them and understand the differences between the two. There will come a time in the life of each disciple that he will have to choose one of the paths, but he cannot make that choice until he fully understands the directions of the two brotherhoods. Very few on the earth have progressed far enough to make that choice.