2006-10-29 13:05:00
Steve writes:
"May I just stick my head on the chopping block please, and make a comment about the audio. Please do not take this personally (as if you would, lol).
"Can I ask you JJ, do you intend to do all the books by audio in this manner, to the point of perhaps actually selling the later books? The reason being (gulp, here goes, LOL), I found the reading style to be quite flat. My dear lady Janice says I sometimes switch into that low monotone when I try to explain things, which can be quite boring to the listener, so it is something that sticks out for me.
"Some people have a natural ability to sing, others to write, and others to speak or read clearly and in an exciting manner. If you do intend to sell the later audios, then may I recommend you find someone who has a natural ability to read in a clear and energetic way. We may be fortunate enough to have someone capable on this list.
"This of course is just a suggestion, as I very much want to see this work.
"I have my shield and headguard ready for any returning blows, LOL."
What kind of person would I be to be offended at one who is speaking as he sees it in an attempt to help? I appreciate your comments.
Yes, I realize I am not a professional broadcaster or reader but also had difficulty in finding someone that I was happy with. I figured that many listeners like to have a book read by the author and that would compensate for my lack of professionalism.
If anyone else has listened to any of the audio I would like to receive further comment.
Copyright © 2006 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved