1999-5-17 09:00:00
Postings have been few lately. I hope I'm not putting you to sleep out there.
Perhaps a temporary change in direction will add some stimulus. Every time I turn on the television the past few days, I find talk of Star Wars permeating everything. Now finally we are approaching the big opening. Here in Boise it is midnight tomorrow. I'm going to wait until the crowds die down a little before I see it, but I think it would be interesting to hear a couple of movie reviews (short ones) from some of the first on the list to see it.
Earlier we mentioned that George Lucas was indeed an initiate. However, making a movie alone does not mean a person is a disciple. Lucas is an initiate because he has created positive change that has affected most of the world. Name three things that he has initiated through Star Wars that brings us closer to the consciousness of the Age of Aquarius.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved