2006-10-15 14:14:00
John C writes:
"Behold, the man is to become as one of us, knowing good from evil."
It would reveal even more if you quoted it correctly. "Knowing good AND evil." I know. You said it means the same thing, but I say it doesn't. Knowing good FROM evil implies that one is polarized in either the one or the other. Knowing good AND evil implies that one has mastered both, but is polarized in neither, but has taken the middle way, by mastering both of them.
Actually it doesn't say either definitely.
In the Hebrew it reads this way:
"The man becomes one of us to know good - evil."
There is no conjunction in the Hebrew so the translator has to add one that seems to fit, so you can take your pick and chose either "from" or "and." The interesting point is either one fits and reveals truth.
John C quoting me:
After all did not the serpent offer freedom of choice by getting Eve to partake of the tree of knowledge? Did not Jehovah command the Israelites to slaughter men, women and children in war?
John C:
Wait an apple-pickin minute here. You told us that the Jehovah of the Bible was the same being as the Ancient of Days, or Joshua, or the Christ. You said he was an advanced entity from Saturn, if I recall correctly. So, if anybody has read "Gods of the Bible,quot; they wouldn't be confused.
First let me say that I never identified anyone in this post so I couldn't have contradicted myself. I have to say something about a thing to contradict that thing.
Secondly, I do not recall ever saying Jehovah was the Ancient of Days. I implied that the Ancient of Days appeared to Moses, but he did not say in that appearance that he was Jehovah, but "I AM Becoming that which I Decide to become." He refused to give a name.
The name Jehovah which means "Eternal" or "Existing One" could apply to the Ancient of Days or any one of his assistants. A lot of the words attributed to Jehovah did not come from an actual advanced being, but the collective thoughtform of the Jewish race. This is why they were commanded to do some fairly repulsive things - because the revelations came from a collective intelligence that meted out revelation that they could accept that was in keeping with the traditions of the day.
In addition Jehovah was not Christ as the Mormons believe.
I said that an "angel" who was called Jehovah was linked to the logos from Saturn. Both Saturn and the Earth are on the third ray so there is a natural connection to begin with.
I seek to bring about a much needed group integration. The polarisation of this group--as a unity upon the mental plane-is not yet accomplished. It is most needed and until this integration has been achieved, the united group inter-communication will not be possible or the desired group work capable of accomplishment. Several of you need to do some careful thinking and should align yourselves in love with your fellow disciples, eliminating all sense of criticism and personal self-satisfaction in your own judgment and rectitude.
Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 80
Copyright © 2006 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved