2006-10-5 14:32:00
Been busy as the dickens. Didn't mean to ignore the group.
Thought I would just add a few comments on the violence that comes from scriptures.
I touched on why Christianity as a whole has been able to distance itself from the violent commands that Islam is still troubled by.
There is one more major reason that wasn't covered which is all important.
Christians broke free from their black and white adherence to negative commands because the movement toward democracy began and fomented in Christian nations while the Islamic nations barely budged from the idea of being ruled by a supreme authority - and generally a religious authority at that.
The movement toward greater freedom in Christianity began some time before the founding of America and had its seeds in the teachings of Christ. Jesus spoke the famous words "the truth shall make you free." He also said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." In addition he showed a great disdain for worldly totalitarian authorities and set the example by being a gentile leader who sought to save his enemies rather than destroy them.
These and other seeds led to the sprouting of the desire for freedom in the human heart until the freedom lovers finally broke off from Europe to move to a land where there was greater freedom to be had.
Even after arriving here there were atrocities committed by Christians. The three major ones were slavery, mistreatment of American Indians and the burning of witches.
The question that brings enlightenment is this: Why were these three errors corrected in America whereas there has been little movement with a similar correction in Islam?
The answer is that an atmosphere of freedom brings self-correction. Without freedom a corrective measure can be decreed, but then that correction will often bring more oppression (or as much) as the original problem.
It is a sad fact that many people cannot see this and have little faith in the goodness that will materialize through the freedom of the human spirit.
Why do they not see this?
The answer is simple. When a problem develops in an atmosphere of freedom the problem usually grows worse for a period of time before the correction comes. Many short-sighted people see the worsening of the problem and blame it on too much freedom. Then, if they get their way, a restriction of freedom comes along with more problems and atrocities.
The prohibition is a good example of which most will agree. To counter the problems associated with alcohol do-gooders passed an amendment that made alcoholic beverages illegal across the board.
Did new problems come? Indeed, we saw the rise of mob power and the likes of Al Capone become more powerful than most political leaders.
"I agree with this principle," says one until we throw something at him with which he disagrees - like the freedom to keep and bear arms. "That's different," he says. "The world would be safer if we took away the freedom to own firearms."
Such a person does not really believe in the principle of freedom. He only believes in freedom as it applies to his own little belief system. He does not believe in holistic freedom. The holistic person will accept the freedom of others to do that which may disgust him personally.
The only freedom that needs to be restricted is the freedom to take away another person's freedom. The example I give again and again is that the burglar must not have the freedom to break into your house and diminish your own freedom to possess goods and be secure. The common laws usually deal with securing these types of freedoms.
If the seeds of freedom can be planted in the midst of the Islamic countries then over a period of 50-100 years a complete revolution can occur. The conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq have the potential to plant the seeds of freedom that can cause this revolution to occur. All the resistance to making this happen comes not by accident as many are influenced by the Dark Brotherhood to withdraw our forces before the seeds have been able to properly sprout.
There is much more at stake in the current conflict than even the most ardent supporters realize.
As I have said a number of times before, Bush is so adamant about consummating the war in Iraq because he received a message from Christ himself. This is why he went to war when it was bound to hurt his poll ratings which were 80-90 percent positive at the time. This is why he is so resolved to not quit no matter what happens. Woodward revealed in his new book that Bush once stated that he will continue to war in Iraq even if all the supporters he has left are his wife Laura and Barney, his dog.
A positive result is far from a sure thing for the forces to prevent the seeds of freedom being planted in Iraq are horrendous but success must come or the appearance and work of Christ cannot come off as hoped. The Christ must have the freedom to teach the Islamic people in freedom as well as the other religions.
It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.
Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983),
The Passionate State of Mind, 1954
Copyright © 2006 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved