2006-10-2 05:57:00
Ruth quoting me:
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. Revelation 21:1
After those who have not manifested the God within have been removed from the earth and no longer incarnate a new heaven (consciousness) and new earth (government & organizational structures) manifests. In this new way of life truth no longer has to be compromised to deal with those of lower consciousness but is now geared to a much higher level than with the old earth.
There is something which is not connecting for me here with this.
Earlier you said that Christ will return and reign for 1000 years and that after this time the Dragon/Devil will surface once more and people will start seeking the God without again.
However, in this above sentence you state that those who don't or haven't connected with the God within are shifted to another Earth which is lower than this one, and they will have to learn all the necessary lessons to progress forwards again.
This has nothing to do with the thousand years. This part of Revelations is in chronological order and we have already covered the 1000 years, and then moved on to the release of negativity after this period is over. Finally we come to a final battle between good and evil. This will be millions of years in the future but before this final battle we shall see numerous correspondences of such a battle.
It will be after this major culminating conflict that will finally divide the graduates from those who do not pass this earthly course. Then, as DK confirms, 40% of humanity will be moved elsewhere.
Therefore, when does this happen? Is it after the 1,000 years of peace, and after another great battle with the Devil and his followers? Are these the same people who connect with the Beast again after the 1,000 years of peace, and they are then removed to another Earth system to keep learning?
After this cycle passes the Beast will have little power, but people will still be deceived through glamour and illusion. It's quite likely that in future cycles the Beast will surface again though, but the book of Revelations does not go into this.
Something isn't connecting for me with these two teachings about people being taken off the planet, and people rising again to fight the lights after one thousand years with the Devil working directly through the lower conscious realm of these people. It seems like these people will still be on Earth, but now you are saying that they will be taken to another planet?
They will be taken off the earth after the conflict. Not before. I thought I made this clear.
Is this kind of like how a snake can shed its skin, and the new Earth will shed its old skin (leaving behind the old form, and those who still are connected to that form), and then the new Earth which has raised up higher on the spiral will be the new form of Heaven and Earth co-joined, and take with it, those who have expanded their consciousness, as this form moves upwards in its cycle.
We will still be on this physical earth for millions of years until the divine hermaphrodite manifests and dominates. The main thing that will make a new heaven and new earth for us in our future is the changes in the consciousness of humanity.
Some time after the 40%, or the failures leave, the 60% on earth will be transferred to a duplicate earth made of more refined spiritual matter.
Why extend physical life? Unless you mean those who want to still exist in the physical realm and form can do so for thousands of years.
What else would I mean?
We will want to extend life in the future for the same reason we want to extend it now. We have things we want to experience and accomplish - plus we enjoy being alive.
Why wouldn't everyone just exist in the higher realms/worlds?
For the same reason they do not do it now.
Why stay in the physical form on the new Earth, unless you are there to help uplift others, but there won't be any need to uplift others, if all have been uplifted and do not dwell in the lower realms on the new Earth.
We will still be on this same physical earth in the interpretation I wrote of Revelation. Why did you think otherwise?
No matter which realm we are in disciples will seek to lift up others as well as move themselves forward. It is an eternal order.
I could understand those who wanted to live thousands of years in physical form doing this if they are helping the people who had been shifted to the lower Earth, because that would be a necessary service to help uplift those on that old Earth, but if the new Heaven/Earth was already lifted to this higher level, then what purpose would these people have and be serving by still being in physical form on Earth still in a physical form?
The same reason we are in the physical here. Why would you think the principle would change?
In the New Heaven and New earth (which is still physical) there will be many grades of accomplishment and those who are further along upon the path will still help those on this earth who want to progress. Progression and Becoming will never cease.
The failures that will move to another planet will have to learn to help each other and the new souls they blend with.
It seems to me then that those who exist in the higher worlds would still be learning and becoming, but do these people still work with the lower Earth and those who are still there learning their needed lessons?
As a general principle those in the higher realms work in the higher realms. Those in the lower realms work in the lower realms. Work in the higher realms has a ripple effect that filters down to us and there is some contact between the worlds. But the actual work is mostly done in the world where we reside.
Are these higher Worlds like Shamballa the heart centre, or is a new Shamballa or head centre created for the old Earth via the new Earth? Do these higher Worlds exist in the mental realms or higher in the formless Worlds?
Shamballa is the head center and the Christ and his Hierarchy is the heart center. Humanity is the throat center of the planet. Shamballa is built of higher etheric matter, sometimes called the true physical matter.
Shamballa is the head center now and will continue to be in the more progressed, or new earth.
Yet it makes sense to me that no matter how higher up we go in the higher Worlds of consciousness, we would still need to turn around and uplift our Brothers who are behind us on the lower realms.
It makes sense because it's true.
The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.
Niels Bohr
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