2006-9-28 16:44:00
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. Revelation 20:11
The great white throne is that spiritual center within where dwells God. This is where the name of the Father (Revelation 14:1) resides. This spiritual center not only lies within each individual, but within humanity itself. Here we have a prophecy of a time (in the far future) that the presence of God within humanity itself will dominate.
"him that sat on it" is the true God governing humanity, not the false God of the Beast as dominates today.
"...from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them."
This is not referring to our physical heaven and earth, but again is symbolic. Earth corresponds to the lower nature and heaven is the higher self, often called the Upper Triad.
We can understand why the lower self would disappear with the manifestation of the face, or presence of God, but why the Higher Self?
The reason is this. The Higher Self is not really our true self, but is a vehicle, or a medium, which our true self uses to explore the various worlds of consciousness and livingness. The higher and lower self are linked through soul energy.
Jesus bypassed both the lower and higher self when he realized his oneness with God by saying "I and my Father are one."
Eventually each disciple, and then humanity as a whole, will realize its oneness with God and then the consciousness will bypass the lower as well as the higher nature and commune directly with our Father/Mother God. At this point heaven and earth will flee away.
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Revelation 20:12
Notice that it says that only "the dead" stood before God. Where are the living? The answer is simple. They are always standing before God.
The dead are those who are not yet capable of going within and finding the presence of God. These can rely on the understanding of the carnal mind for many ages as humanity as a whole evolves. Eventually, over half of the human race will achieve inner contact. When humanity is solidly polarized in "life" rather than "death," those who are dead, or still separated from the life of God within, are forced to stand before God.
This means that the power of God will be so strong in humanity that there will be no running or hiding from it. The standard for the human race will no longer be centered on illusion, tradition, or what people feel, but what is actually true. The truth will be so powerful that the errors of the dead will be "judged" and revealed continuously. This will be very frustrating for those who still want to live in their own little dead world where illusion is more desired than reality.
"and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life:"
There are two sets of books here. The first books which were opened are the history and works of the world as it is understood and recorded by humanity as well as workers from the spiritual side of the veil. Next, the book of life was opened. This is the true record of the workers of light, which is accurately recorded in the spiritual worlds. This is a record of the works of the life of God as it manifests through the pure in heart of the earth. The first set of books records all the misdeeds and illusions of humanity. The second records the work of disciples and those who actually furthered the purpose of God upon the earth.
"and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works."
When the true records of humanity are open, revealing all the details of history as well as the works of God through disciples upon the earth, those who are yet dead to the life of God will be continually judged. Why? Because they cannot refute the books and the quality of their own service is clearly made manifest.
"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Revelation 20:13
Keep in mind that the dead here are both in and out of incarnation. The "sea" here stands for the emotional world. These are the dead who are still polarized in the emotions or astral world. Death and hell are the rest of the disconnected. These include those polarized in the lower mind or in the carnal state.
All of these "dead" incarnate into a world that is dominated by the life of God where peace and true brotherhood dominate. Here they are "judged" as to whether they can "fit in" and live in such a world. If they judge themselves unable to do so they will find themselves living in death (separation) and hell (painful experience). Here in a world dominated by workers of light will the works of the dead be contrasted, or judged.
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Revelation 20:14
Those who have dead works will see the value of their works as contrasted to the workers of light and love. This will cast then into a lake of fire, or a realization of their true situation.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15
All those who lack true works of life realize that they did not make the grade and are not ready for life among those with true works as recorded in the book of life.
These suffer the "second death." And what is this? There are several levels of interpretation, but in this context it means that those who are only capable of dead works, as opposed to living works, will realize that they are not comfortable living in a world dominated by teachers and workers of light. These prefer to live in the old earth where the ego reigned supreme and the carnal nature dominated. These are they who still have lessons to learn before they are ready for the New Jerusalem.
Through the process of divine mercy these will get their wish and suffer a "second death" and be removed from this earth and planted on another lesser-evolved earth where death and hell again rule as it has in the past on this one.
"Earth was warmer in some medieval periods than it is today. Current weather models are good at predicting weather as far as 10 days in advance, but predicting up to 100 years into the future is "a great act of faith, and I don't believe any of it."
Bill Gray, professor at Colorado State University
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